Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 42,43 | 6.365 | 150 | 42,40 | 44,00 | -4,07% |
Ja dokupio 13 komada pa cemo vidjeti jesam li se zaje… ili napravio pravu stvar.
Hm,hm,hm, kud baš 13?
Prijenos informacija
“The Port of Dampier is the second largest tonnage port in Australia, with throughput increasing by 7.8% to almost 96 million tonnes in 2004-05. Dampier is located on the north west coast of Western Australia in the Dampier Archipelago, some 26 kilometres from Karratha in the Pilbara region….”
“The Port Authority is currently heavily involved in planning infrastructure for future trade growth and attracting major new port users. Over the next five years, trade is projected to grow by more than 80% in iron ore, 22% in gas products and 5% in salt exports. Total port trade is expected to increase by over 60% to 160 million tonnes, by 2010.”
“Port Hedland is the first port in Australia to break the 100 million tonne trade mark, with a total throughput increase of 21%, to 108.5 million tonnes, for the year ended June 2005. This included record iron ore exports of 103 million tonnes for the year, and a strong performance from salt and other bulk mineral exports. The strong demand from China for iron ore is driving the rapid growth in exports and throughput is forecast to exceed 180 million tonnes in the next five years.”
Kolega Spancir, moja najdublja zahvala.
Na čemu ?
Obranjena kota 3 600….to je bilo to !
Ja dokupio 13 komada pa cemo vidjeti jesam li se zaje… ili napravio pravu stvar. ”
Hm,hm,hm, kud baš 13?
Falilo mi love za 14 [smiley2]
Pridruzujem se zahvali Spanciru!
Inace, lijepo je znati da nas citaju: TP u clanku u Businessu:
ionice sektora brodara danas nisu prošle ništa bolje od dionica sektora građevinara. BDI indeks cijena prijevoza rasutih tereta tijekom zadnjeg mjeseca porastao je 16,5 posto, a stohastička analiza ne sugerira prekid tog primarnog trenda. Unatoč tome, dionica Atlantske plovidbe, koju čvrsto kontroliraju upravitelji fondovima, potonula je 2,17 posto uz 3,20 milijuna kuna prometa, a dionica Jadroplova potonula je 2,67 posto uz 1,35 milijuna kuna prometa.