ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Zadnja izmjena 11.01.2025. u 09:11
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

tikvo, jesam puno prije nego šta si me ti uputio…

Što je sad ovo, zatvaraju li se rudnici, BDI down, Obama se predomislio, ima li netko objašnjenje ili je ovo ipak nekaj već viđeno, stara fora, možda nepovjerenje investitora nakon loše marende, tko zna? [yawn] Uglavnom svi koji ulazite ostavite bilo koju nadu na ulazu jer ovo je čisti i kontrolirani FI.

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

Prošlih godina je bilo čupavo u vrijeme Kineske nove godine. Indeksi su dobrano pali.
A ove je i kriza u punom jeku.
ne sluti na dobro. međutim prije 6 mjeseci svi su vidjeli 2009 kao sjajnu godinu za brodare i predviđali čuda.
Kolo sreće se okreće.

PEYO vizionar slijepac, kolekcionar minusa

Super BDI je pao, biće jeftine kupovine!

tikvo, jesam puno prije nego šta si me ti uputio…

gle, moćeš se sutra vratiti…

Super BDI je pao, biće jeftine kupovine!

Ti se za.ebavaš očito je. Indeksi se lagano vraćaju.

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

Divim se povezanosti malih investitora, cijela burza se zacrvenila. Neki dan gledam prilog na TV o čovi što dobio 9 milja na Lotu. I što mislite koju vrstu moguće investicije mu je komentator sugerirao? Htio sam lupnuti komentatora.
Imate pravo samo jednom pogađati.

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

Quote relevant source:

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

SEAS/MED – ‘Redondo’ 2000 74716 dwt dely psg Keelung 17/18 Jan trip via Indonesa redel Med $1200 daily – Daeyang

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL",35325.html

76,801 BLT 06 ITAQUAI/SPORE-JPN 17-19/1.2009 USD 8,250 DAILY + USD 215000 BONUS CARGILL

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

The Crude Oil Contango Trade Drives Up Tanker Rates

Firms are rushing to secure supertankers in order to profit from growing contango spreads as crude oil prices continue to fall compared to futures prices (see Times Online article).

Frontline (FRO) estimates that about 80 million barrels of crude oil are currently being stored in tankers (see Bloomberg article), with 30-35 very large crude carrier storing 2 million barrels of crude each. Not surprisingly, a rush into the contango trade is causing tanker rates to increase about $75,000 a day. In some cases, shipping rates have fallen over 90 percent within the last year, with crude oil storage rates falling nearly 80 percent.

Teekay (TK) is now trading about $19 a share after coming off its recent low of just below $11, Frontline is trading near $31 a share, after coming off a low of $25 a share, and Overseas Shipping Group (OSG) is trading around $41 a share after a recent low of just over $28 a share in late November.

Drybulk shippers have also seen rates rise recently, as much as 20 percent (see Yahoo!Finance article). DryShips (DRYS) fell to below $4 a share, after reaching $116.43 back in May. The company is currently trading over $15 per share. Diana Shipping (DSX) has come off its low of $6.85 to trade over $12 per share.

Nonetheless, although there are some signs of improvement, the contango spread and potential increased demand may not be enough to turn-around the industry, not just yet anyway. Exports from Asia have fallen off a cliff, and will no doubt continue to put pressure on cargo rates, leaving numerous companies at risk of failing. Until global demand begins to increase, or capacity begins to decrease, it may be a little longer before any rally can be trusted with confidence and expected to continue, the contango trade notwithstanding.

New Report
