ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.


isto tako je moglo biti danas na 900 da su se samo neke stvari drugačije odigrale vani … da možemo predviđati budućnost bili bi bogati … makar ti meni uopće nisi jasan…trguješ sa 500 komada da bi kao nekome nešto dokazao..usput zaradiš i dalje si nešto nezadovoljan….svaka čast…

e da su se stvari drugačije odigale ne bi ni atpl pala s 3200…no dobro sad već pričamo o kibi dabi…a tu nisam doma baš…
…ne kužim kaj nisam jasan…pričat mogu što god treba…no treba stati iza riječi…puno ih je tu pisalo da ne izlaze do…nemam više ni pojma kaj su sve pisali…kad ono čitam…svi danas prodavali…ne shvačam ja…ako su/ste toliko sigurni…što niste ostali u dionici…kako ste i meni predlagali…no…lako je drugome govoriti…što i kako…no kad treba svoju lovicu staviti…onda nije to baš tako…ne…

a što se tiče zadovoljstva…jedan citat…koji nas definira…inače ne bi bilo ovak kak je…

Ljudskom srcu uvijek nešto treba,
Zadovoljno nikad posve nije:
Čim željenog cilja se dovreba,
Opet iz njeg sto mu želja klije.

by Petar Preradović

…ili nije tako…no opet kaj ja znam…ne…

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
China Dec Iron Ore Imports At 34.53 Mln Tons, Up 1% On Year

Technorati Tags: Baltic Dry Index,Baltic Dry Indices,Ship Chartering,Shipchartering,Voyage Fixtures,Time Charter Fixtures,Panamax,Capesize,Handymax,Handysize,Supramax,Dry Cargo Fixtures,Bulk Cargo Fixtures,Baltic Exchange,Freight Review,Maritime Baltic Index,TNT Freight Review,Iron Ore
Wednesday, 14 January 2009

China imported 34.53 million metric tons of iron ore in December, up 6.2% from 32.52 million tons in November, preliminary data provided by the General Administration of Customs Tuesday showed. December iron ore imports rose 1.0% from a year ago, when the country imported 34.2 million tons. Analysts say shipments from Australia and India have been rising as steel mills take advantage of historically low prices to replenish stocks. Total imports for the year rose 15.9% to 443.56 million tons, customs said.

Posted by Editor at 1:11 PM

Labels: Baltic Dry Index, News

Dakle, Kina povećala uvoz željeza u odnosu na prošlu godinu, a cijena transporta pala dvadeset puta. Tko je tu lud, to te ja pitam?

Dakle, Kina povećala uvoz željeza u odnosu na prošlu godinu, a cijena transporta pala dvadeset puta. Tko je tu lud, to te ja pitam?

Malo se pravimo grbavi, ha?

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

Koliko vidim forumski pisci su danas rasprodavali pa sada priželjkuju katastrofu. Ajde neka, tko čeka dočeka, 2015.-e.

to si htio reći?

DryShips Inc.
(NasdaqGS: DRYS)

NEW Real-time: 14.90 Down 0.64 (4.12%) 3:17pm ET

samo što nije...

Pacific Basin Expects More Dry-Bulk Failures on Rates Collapse

Odlaze polako slabi, a na tržištu opstaju jaki sa dosta CASH-RA. Vjerujem da če naši morski vukovi prebroditi krizu na najbolji način.
Ameri padaju 6 dana za redom i mislim da bi sutra mogli u +

SLAVONAC (malo san maka)

Idemo još malo vaditi mast današnjim instant traderima:

Dry bulk market shows signs of early recovery

Technorati Tags: Baltic Dry Index,Baltic Dry Indices,Ship Chartering,Shipchartering,Voyage Fixtures,Time Charter Fixtures,Panamax,Capesize,Handymax,Handysize,Supramax,Dry Cargo Fixtures,Bulk Cargo Fixtures,Baltic Exchange,Freight Review,Maritime Baltic Index,TNT Freight Review

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

With the Dry Bulk Index (BDI), which tracks the cost of hauling commodities like iron ore and coal, posting a healthy number of consecutive upward sessions, optimism seems to be returning at the dry bulk shipping sector, which has been plagued by the sharpest rate fall in its history. Yesterday (Tuesday), the BDI reached 911 points up by 22 since the previous session. It is now at its highest point since October of 2008 and the owners of capesizes can finally have something to smile – or at least grim – about. The main reason for the BDI’s rise is the capesize sector, the reference point of the market. the relative index the BCI (Baltic Capesize Index) continued its upward trend ending the session up by 76 points at 1864. The daily average time charter for a capesize is now at $15,235, up by $1,105 from the day before. This level is even enough for some ships to return some modest profits to their owners, for the first time in months.
The same can’t be said for the rest of the market and ship types. Panamax activity isn’t enough to cause a rebound in rates. The Panamax Index posted another fall by nine points to end at a mere 520 points. This level produces an average time charter rate of $4,136, lower than the $4,208 earned by supramaxes. At a similar pace, handysize activity is stalled for days, with the relative index now standing at 270 points. The average daily charter is a mere $3,976.
In its weekly report on the dry bulk market, shipbroker Barry Rogliano Salles observed that “smaller bulk carriers are still sticking to floor levels, despite some more trading on the grain front”. Explaining the rise of the capesize sector, BRS noted that “the shorter list of prompt vessels in the Atlantic has lifted the rate further on front haul and transatlantic routes, while in the East the miners are fishing vessels for their own needs. Period business remains limited but recent deals confirm that rates in the low US$20,000s’ can be achieved for a modern Cape on a one year commitment”.
A different picture is painted in the panamax sector, where as BRS points out a front haul grain activity largely from the US Gulf against very limited fresh enquiry in the East. But it predicts that “there’s a large spread between Cape and Panamax at the moment but the spread has to close; with limited fresh activity this week, one would expect the Panamax to stop increasing until a more sustainable fundamental change occurs”.
As for the even smaller types of vessels, it is evident that the market has reached its floor and can only go up from these levels. It’s only a question of when. For the moment though, “business is still slow to emerge and there is no clear sign of a market heading up. Pacific rounds for Supramax are still hovering below the US$5,000s’, pretty much the same for Atlantic rounds. India seems stalling a bit after a few weeks of rally. Trips to china are being fixed in the region of US$10,000 depending on vessel’s specs. Handies are facing a difficult situation and quite a few of them try to catch fishes in sheltered areas. Period charter is still slow although some interests are burgeoning here and there” said BRS.

Kakva super situacija i mene ponukalo da se ponovo nakon 2 godine vratim u ATPL. Sad sam ponovo sa starim društvom. Ako padne na 500 ulazim do jaja!

pa već ti je bila na 500. što te onda spriječilo?


idesKakva super situacija i mene ponukalo da se ponovo nakon 2 godine vratim u ATPL. Sad sam ponovo sa starim društvom. Ako padne na 500 ulazim do jaja!

Anonimno, 14.01.2009. u 21:51
nema 2 puta…..bas ce tebe cekat na 500,sad bi mnogi kupili na 500…a di nam je vlad sa targetom na 200…. [thumbsup]

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

Brodati baš i neće dolje, drže se bolje od svega. Ides, nazalost [bye]

DRYS na primjer, na većoj cijeni sada nego jučer na otvaranju.

New Report
