slabije reagiramo na up bdi,vrijeme za hladjenje?????
nije, imamo još plina
Stvarno ima slabih ručica za nevjerovati. Ali nisu ni one vječne.
Central bank official: China’s economic fundamentals "in good shape " 2008-12-26 20:58:29 Print
Special Report: Global Financial Crisis
BEIJING, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) — Yi Gang, a senior official of China’s central bank, said Friday that the nation’s economic fundamentals are "in good shape" and urged people to have faith in the country’s growth.
Yi, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), said his assessment is based on the balance sheets of residents, enterprises, the financial sector and the government, which are all in a "healthy" state.
Bank savings of residents have exceeded 20 trillion yuan (2.9 trillion U.S. dollars), while their loans, including those for cars and housing, added up to merely 3.7 trillion yuan, Yi told a financial forum here.
Deposits of Chinese residents stood at 20.8 trillion yuan at the end of September.
"This indicates that the debt level of Chinese households is quite low and such balance sheets are very healthy, compared with those for U.S. and European households, making it possible to create room for development," he said.
Zhou Xiaochuan, PBOC governor, who also attended the China Finance Forum 2008, said the country needs to expand domestic consumption at the same time as it increases investment, to achieve the goal of spurring domestic demand.
Yi said corporate finances are also relatively healthy.
"The average debt to assets ratio of 5,000 non-financial enterprises monitored by the central bank is 55 percent," which is below previous figures, he said.
Yi added the country’s lenders as a whole have a very high capital adequacy ratio with a low non-performing loan ratio, and he stressed that the financial sector is capable of supporting the economy.
Evo još malo s drugog foruma, tek toliko da se nešto ovdje ima za pročitat
Baltic Dry Index Signaling a Market Bottom?
Wednesday, 07 January 2009
The stock market is forward looking; hence we hit the 741 level on the S&P in late November, anticipating the dismal economic numbers ranging from retail sales, jobless claims, the ISM, and GDP slowing. However, ahead of the market is the Baltic Dry Index, which is closely tied to global economic activity and was falling rapidly much before the market began to sell-off last summer. This was the indication that forced me to begin selling calls on highly valued stocks and buying puts on many of the Industrial and Commodity related names.
The group most closely tied to the performance of the Baltic Dry Index are the Dry-Shipping stocks. Some of the main components include DryShips, TBS International, Eagle Bulk, Genco Shipping, Diana Shipping, Kirby Corp, Navios Maritime, Excel Maritime, and Safe Bulkers. This group sold off sharper than any other group with moves never seen before, like DryShips falling from highs of $110 in May to a $3 price tag in November.
Reasons for the massive liquidation in these names can be tied to global economic slowdowns (less demand for shipping), frozen credit markets (industry requires heavy doses of financing for high fixed cost ships), and the bubble bursting in the commodity space. The rapid liquidation of these shippers had many of these stocks trading at less than 3x next year’s earnings (although uncertain, still an unrealistic valuation), while maintaining gross margin rates of greater than 85%. Unless the world was coming to an end, there was no reason to place this type of discount on these shares.
Now credit markets are thawing and alleviating major concerns with many of these names, and economic recovery is seen to happen in late 2009 or early 2010, depending to whom you talk, but once again, the markets are forward looking and this group was the first to bottom.
As these stocks bottomed a technical reversal pattern emerged on the majority of these names, an inverse head and shoulders. While the pattern has now developed on these names, many are just now breaking through the neckline, a technical buy signal, and although some of these have rallied more than 150% off the lows, they are still far from a fair valuation, and great gains can still be reaped.
ajde Zmrklic sada to lijepo prevedi, možeš ti to [lol]
Dry bulk market shows signs of recovery
Tuesday, 06 January 2009
THE dry bulk market slump is expected to continue into this quarter due to the uncertainties in demand of iron ore transportation although it has shown slight signs of revival in mid-December. Last year, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI), the barometer of shipping cost for commodities, fell 93.4% from its peak of 11,793 points on May 20 to 774 points on Dec 24. From its lowest point of 663 points on Dec 5, the BDI had shown marginal increase of 26.1% to 836 points on Dec 17. This was then supported by the sentiment of iron ore demand. China, the world’s biggest steelmaker, imported 32.5 million tonnes of iron ore in November, up 6.2% from October Some experts predicted that the dry bulk rates were likely to recover this year when China replenished its dwindling iron-ore inventory and demand for thermal coal started to pick up.
According to TA Securities’ latest Malaysian Bulk Carriers Bhd (Maybulk) update, China’s iron ore inventory was still stalling at around 70 million tonnes while steel production and iron ore imports were in a downward trend.
Maybulk is the biggest dry bulk shipping company in the country.
“It is reported that Chinese steel companies are seeking to change the commencement of the iron ore term contract for this year, as prices of the steel-making raw materials dropped sharply in recent months,” said the report.
China would usually conduct price negotiations with the top three iron ore producers – BHP, Vale and Rio Tinto – in April every year.
The report said if the negotiation was successful, it would give short-term positive sentiment that would help revive the collapsed dry bulk freight market as steel mills could buy raw materials at more favourable prices.
“This will in turn benefit the dry bulk shipping companies such as Maybulk,” it said.
Meanwhile, the report said the International Energy Agency (IEA), in its latest monthly report, indicated that China’s exports were expected to slow down as its main export markets in Europe and the US were expected to slow sharply this year.
“Nonetheless, we believe the stimulus plan of 4 trillion renminbi announced by the Chinese government to revive the economic growth might cushion the poor condition in the long run,” it said.
Ukratko ovo je sve optimistično, e sad, kome se da, nek proučava malo bolje, nemam ATPL.
Ovaj dio je zanimljiv
Maybulk is the biggest dry bulk shipping company in the country.
“It is reported that Chinese steel companies are seeking to change the commencement of the iron ore term contract for this year, as prices of the steel-making raw materials dropped sharply in recent months,” said the report.
China would usually conduct price negotiations with the top three iron ore producers – BHP, Vale and Rio Tinto – in April every year.
The report said if the negotiation was successful, it would give short-term positive sentiment that would help revive the collapsed dry bulk freight market as steel mills could buy raw materials at more favourable prices.
Decki, nema straha za ATPl, ako mi je bila dobra na 2200 kak mi ne bu na 830, 1000-ka je izgledna za par dana ak tako nastavi.. [thumbsup]
dow -15% premarket bit ce tarapane….nasdaq drze brodari u plusu,ne zadugo…
Aj da probam, pa nek me netko ispravi:
Porast Cape-ova se dogodio zbog smanjenja kineskih zaliha ugljena. Čeličane su još uglavnom zatvorene, poglavito zbog toga što rudari još uvijek ne spuštaju cijene željezne rude. Zbog stanja u globalnoj ekonomiji nije očekivati jaču potražnju za čelikom iz evrope i US, ali ukoliko bi pregovori s rudarima pozitivno završili, Kina bi ponovo pojačala ulaganja u izgradnju vlastite infrastukture, ponovo bi se čeličane pootvarale, a brodari oporavili zbog dovoza rude in Australije i Brazila.
Kako može biti -15% osim ako nisi jeo gljiva na Sljemenu?