ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 08.01.2025. u 23:31
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Nemoš biti pametan, ja jutros izišao, sve je ukazivalo na pad, a ono drži li se drži


promatrajmo danas BDI.
Mora biti lijepih stvari.
čemu izlazak kolega?
pa kaj ne pratite drys i amere?

kada se obrati pažnja na tržene dionice u USA (mislim na brodare) onda vam mora biti jasno da se neš kuha (zbog velikog prometa)…a ako vam nije jasno onda i bolje da ste prodali …

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Baltic Dry Index posts first upward session in 2009
Thursday, 08 January 2009
After a number of consecutive negative sessions, stretching back into the last days of 2008, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) which tracks shipping rates for hiring vessels to carry commodities like iron ore, grain and coal, managed to post its first rise. The index ended yesterday at 789 points, up by 14 points from Tuesday. This was mainly thanks to the capesize sector, which saw the relative index (BCI) rising by 46 points to reach 1452 points. Similarly, panamaxes managed to put a stop at the constant falls, rising by 8 points at 533 points. According to the Baltic Exchange figures, the average time charter for a capesize dry bulk carrier now stands at $9856, while a panamax can fetch an average of $4255. Supramaxes earn an average time charter of $4082, with handysizes bearly surpassing the $4,000 mark.
Barry Rogliano Salles’ (BRS) first report of the year, said that things don’t seem much different in the dry bulk market. “Fixing Capes in the Pacific was almost the only game to play last week, and for the rest there was hardly something to write on. However for the moment the fate of the freight market is being discussed on the dry land with some huge restructuring and strategy changes operated in China. After the production cuts applied during the fourth quarter of 2008 as an emergency reply to the demand slump, now the steel mills are revising their output targets for 2009. While steel production has been registering a two-digit growth since the start of the decade, 2009 may hardly see any growth at all” said BRS.
Another factor to watch is the evolution of the contract talks about the iron ore price for 2009. Stronger steel groups in China could change the terms that these talks are held. Further to that, one of the latest changes implemented in China is the new system to regulate the iron ore import market. As BRS notes, “companies with import qualification will have to limit their purchase more strictly to their own needs and pay an agent fee if they want to re-sell imported ore”.

Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News

ATPL-R-A K P 574 756,78 434.392,30 739,99 424.754,26

Podebljao još malo poziciju Atpl za kojih 27 komada…valjda ne bu dole…

Svaka čast majstore, MatijuLalica za predsjednika!!!

Don't be convinced of your super knowledge of the market, the market does what it wants, and you are just along for the ride!

promatrajmo danas BDI.
Mora biti lijepih stvari.
čemu izlazak kolega?
pa kaj ne pratite drys i amere?

kada se obrati pažnja na tržene dionice u USA (mislim na brodare) onda vam mora biti jasno da se neš kuha (zbog velikog prometa)…a ako vam nije jasno onda i bolje da ste prodali …

Baš zato što su jučer padali žestoko, kao i svi indexi, stotine loših vijesti

Stotine loših vijesti ali promet pojačava za razliku od ostalih USA dionica.
gdje ima dima ima i vatre.
Pa nisu ameri ovce kao Hrvati.
[lol] [lol]
čekajmo BDI za danas.

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Stvarno nije ok da ne pada, a Manojlo prodao [lol]

malo sa hellenica -osvrt na dry shipping :

Research and Markets: The Global Dry Bulk Industry Is Expected To Continue Its Growth Momentum

Thursday, 08 January 2009
Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Global Dry Bulk Shipping Industry: An Analysis" report to their offering. Despite economic recession, the fundamentals of the dry bulk industry remain attractive with demand for dry bulk commodities continue to be positive. The primary driver for the dry bulk shipping industry continues to be sustained demand in East Asia led by strong demand for commodities in China and increasingly India.
China’s infrastructure building programs as per its 11th Five Year Plan will continue to drive demand for steel and that in turn will stimulate demand for iron ore and coal. Driven by infrastructure spending by the government, over time, China has become the epicenter of dry bulk demand.
With China’s import of 2 billion tonnes of iron-ore, coal and grain in the year 2007 and its steel production increasing by 16.5% in the same year, the global dry bulk industry is expected to continue its growth momentum, albeit at a slower rate in the next few years.
Further with high growth of Indian economy and scarcity of its natural resources, India is likely to continue its demand for dry bulk commodities.
The demand for two commodities – coal and iron ore will drive the dry bulk industry in the near future. As the demand for steel is growing, especially in the Asian countries, iron ore is expected to see the highest growth among the dry bulk commodities. Further, coal is also likely to be much-in-demand commodity with new power plants being installed in the Asian countries.
The report analyzes the global seaborne dry bulk industry with a focus on major commodities like iron ore, coal and grain. It assesses the factors that are influencing the demand and supply of dry bulk vessels. Further, the major growth drivers that will have an impact on the future growth of the dry bulk industry have been analyzed in the report. The competitive landscape of the dry bulk shipping industry has been presented in the report with a focus on six leading carriers including DryShips, Diana Shipping, Excel Maritime, Navios Maritime, Genco Shipping and Eagle Bulk.

drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

Baltic Exchange Dry Index 821 UP 32

BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 1564 UP 112
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 532 DOWN 1
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 389 DOWN 1
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 270 DOWN 2

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Baltic Exchange Dry Index 821 UP 32
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 1564 UP 112
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 532 DOWN 1
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 389 DOWN 1
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 270 DOWN 2

New Report
