Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 42,43 | 6.365 | 150 | 42,40 | 44,00 | -4,07% |
hvala, preko domačih brokera takve usluge pruža Interkapital, za druge ne znam
hvala, preko domačih brokera takve usluge pruža Interkapital, za druge ne znam
Je li može taj Interkapital i za EU?
kad smo već kod toga.. di se mogu kupit commodities u Hrvata?
kad smo već kod toga.. di se mogu kupit commodities u Hrvata?
zelena tržnica?
Nema ih baš puno koji voze za Jerkovićevih 3000. Svakim danom sve ih je manje.
BDI 818 DOWN 11
BCI 1423 DOWN 53
BPI 575 UP 32
BSI 454 DOWN 10
‘Cape Pioneer’ 2005 170012 dwt dely Hunterston 31 Dec/10 Jan balance of period
10/12 months trading redel worldwide $20000 daily – Cosbulk ‘Aquafaith’ Korea Line relet 1997 167110 dwt dely Caofeidian 22/25 Dec tip via West Australia redel China $11000 daily – Brade Carriers – ‘Prem Veena’ Deiulemar relet 2007 82792 dwt dely Hunterston ppt trip via Orinoco redel China $10000 daily – Brade Carriers ‘Ellivita’ 1999 75522 dwt dely Cape Passero mid Jan 2 years option 3rd year $13500 daily and $17000 daily – cnr ‘Richmond’ 1995 75473 dwt dely Gijon 27/30 Dec trip via USEC redel Praia Mole-Santos rge $3750 daily – United ‘Marigo P’ 2002 73810 dwt dely Santos 4/8 Jan trip redel Singapore-Japan rge $7250 daily + $220000 bb – Cargill ‘General Guisan’ 1999 73035 dwt dely Liverpool spot trip via US Gulf redel Far East $9500 daily – STX Pan Ocean ‘Feng Shan Hai’ 1995 69930 dwt dely Japan spot trip EC Australia redel Malaysia $5750 daily – Oldendorff ‘Annita’ 2005 53806 dwt dely Magdalla 20/22 December trip via West coast India redel China $10500 daily – Medchart ‘Nord Vision’ 2004 52504 dwt dely aps Bolivar spot trip redel North Brazil $8000 daily – Armada – ‘Ayse Aksoy’ 1995 45694 dwt dely Mawan end December trip via Vietnam redel Singapore $4000 daily – Sunrise ‘Aristea M’ 1997 45584 dwt dely Santos 22/27 December trip redel Med-Black Sea $8250 daily option Singapore-Japan $9250 daily option Aden-Colombo $9500 daily – Cargill
‘Leonidas Warrior’ Giuseppe Bottiglieri Shipping Co Spa relet 1987 170000/10 Port Hedland/Qingdao 1/10 Jan $5.20 fio scale/30000sc – Rizhao Steel ‘Kassos Warrior’ Giuseppe Bottiglieri Shipping Co Spa relet1986 170000/10 Port Hedland/Qingdao 1/10 Jan $4.80 fio scale/30000sc – Noble Chartering
‘HMM TBN’ 125000/10 Newcastle/Dangjin 9/19 Jan $6.98 fio scale/25000sc – Kepco ‘Daiichi TBN’ 70000/10 IBT/Mauban 2/9 Jan $3.00 fio 37000sc/25000sc – Cetragpa ‘Daiichi TBN’ 54000/10 Newcastle/Mailiao 26/31 Dec $8.25 fio 20000sc/14000sc – BCM
‘Spar Jade’ 1985 25000/10 maize Paranagua/Casablanca
Jan $16.00 fio 8000 sx/3000 sx – Cargill
kolege, nemam običaj prigovarati ali zadnjih dana ste toliko zatrpali ovu temu sa diskusijama koje menaju veze sa ATPL.
hvala na razumijevanju !
niš dobro…
Hope extinguished
Hope of New Year fireworks in the dry-cargo market have been washed out by a leading Asian bank.
Bulging bulker orderbook and return of idle vessels will kill dry-cargo comeback party before it starts, KGI says.
Rumors of early price contract renewals between Chinese steel makers and iron ore miners has sparked hope of a revival in the sector.
But massive iron ore stock piles in China and the return of idle bulkers to the market if rates improve will prevent any new agreement from lighting the dry-cargo fuse, KGI Securities says.
In a shipping report entitled “The worst is yet to come” the Thai company says revised hope of an early shift in iron ore contracts has lifted the Baltic Dry Index by nearly a quarter in the past fortnight.
However, it said: “More attractive return from improved freight rate would induce idled bulk vessels to come back to the market, indicating more supply pressure in the near term, while long holidays during Christmas to Lunar New Year typically lead to inactive shipping activities at the beginning of the first quarter.
“Thus, if the early shift in the 2009 iron ore contract period becomes reality, freight rates are expected to rebound moderately, rather than sharply, implying poor earnings for bulk shipping companies.”
A flood of dry-cargo newbuildings into the market next year will also prevent a surge in rates, even if orders continue to be axed, it says.
Vessel supply will rise by between 14.10% and 21.10% in 2009 and 2010, while demand will slacken by 3% next year due to the global economic crisis, KGI explains.
“As bulk ship supply would outstrip bulk shipment demand in the next two years, freight rates are likely to be depressed throughout the period, “it said.
“Some might argue that compared to other shipping segments bulk ship orders are highly exposed to cancellations and delayed ship deliveries from new shipyards due to the difficulties in finding refund guarantees from banks to secure the payment of shipowners’ installments.
“Nevertheless, even if we axe bulk ship deliveries in half from new shipyards, bulk supply growth is still expected to outpace demand growth in 2009 and 2010.”
Scrapping of older tonnage also offers little hope on the horizon, as “it would not be sufficient to offset the flood of new bulk ship deliveries of 68 million DWT in 2009 and 110 million DWT in 2010 into the market”, KGI added.