ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Ove analize BDI vs ATPL u jednom tjednu ili ATPL vs DRYS u mj. su bezveze!
Ako pogledate ATPL u u svibnju je bila 3150, a najniže je bila cca 500 kn, što je 15% od svibanjske cijene, a američki brodari su pali i na 3% od cijena iz svibnja ili od ATH iz 2007., sad su na 8-12%, dakle, ATPL može još pasti 50% od ove razine pogotovo jer je to ZSE na kojoj nema likvidnosti!

Ih, kada bi to barem bilo tako jednostavno reći. A šta kažeš na to da je recimo DSX trenutno na 30% svibanjske cijene, koju navodiš za mjerilo? Po tome ATPL može rasti još 50%…

A da uzmemo za mjerilo cijenu iz svibnja-lipnja 2006, kada su cijene brodarskih dionica dodirnule tadašnje dno?
Nema problema, tada su dionice DRYS-a i DSX-a bile jeftinije nego što im je trenutna cijena, a dionica ATPL je vrijedila 30% više.

Naravno da ni ova analiza nema veze, komparirati možemo na ovaj način do Božića!
Samo sam spomenuo kako lijepo pratimo trend, jer trenutno trend dosta govori…


…e da, nisam mogao naći riječi, pa si ti to lijepo slikovito opisao. [thumbsup]

Dodao bih samo uz tvoj opis i epitet grbava. Mislim, tako zvuči nakaradnije, što i priliči ako želimo pojasniti do kraja sentiment domaćeg tržišta.

E, kakve smo sreće, njima cice, nama čuna… [angry]

Dobro jutro svima
hoce li nam se danas zeleniti pred ocima… [proud]

rovadC, 15.12.2008. u 09:11
Shipping charter rates soar

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Evo ovaj prošli tjedan uvjetovao je jači oporavak vozarina, a s time znači da će doći do pojačane likvidnosti jer potražnja je opet jaka…..

Napravi razliku

Good days ahead for dry bulk market, poised for another week of growth

A revival of the ailing Capesize market drove the Baltic dry market ahead during the past week, with the Baltic Capesize Index (BCI) moving at fast paces, quickly leaving the 1,000-points mark and closing the week at 1,331 points. The BCI managed to post a whopping 52% increase, translated at 460 points. This development brought the whole Index (BDI) up, by more than 100 points in a week, or 15 percent, with more than half of that increase coming at the end of the week. One explanation for this recovery can be found at Dahlman Rose’s latest daily report, which indicated that the Capesize market retained its activity. At least 16 Capesize iron ore cargoes were fixed out of Australia with deliveries to China between Tuesday and Thursday. Another two vessels were contracted to China as of Friday morning, but with higher rates. At th same time, both the BPI (Baltic Panamax Index) and the BSI (Baltic Supramax Index), although they kept shedding points, now at 440 and 490 levels respectively, they managed to do that a slower pace, which could be an indication of them returning to higher grounds within the week.
According to Weberseas’ latest report on the dry bulk market, the ongoing negotiations between China’s steel companies and the top iron ore producers (Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton) seem to be moving towards an early resolution. This would help drive the drybulk freight market towards higher levels due to the increase in the iron ore shipments.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Iz FT:
Shipping charter rates soar

By Robert Wright in London

Published: December 14 2008 22:04 | Last updated: December 14 2008 22:04

One of the world’s key shipping markets has begun to recover from a slump, with a revival in Chinese demand for iron ore and coal pushing some average charter prices up almost threefold in the past week.

The revival in prices, after a disastrous six months for the industry in which charter rates fell nearly 99 per cent for the largest vessels, could encourage shipowners to bring mothballed vessels back into service. …

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Iz FT:
Shipping charter rates soar

By Robert Wright in London

Published: December 14 2008 22:04 | Last updated: December 14 2008 22:04

One of the world’s key shipping markets has begun to recover from a slump, with a revival in Chinese demand for iron ore and coal pushing some average charter prices up almost threefold in the past week.

The revival in prices, after a disastrous six months for the industry in which charter rates fell nearly 99 per cent for the largest vessels, could encourage shipowners to bring mothballed vessels back into service. …

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Ako sam shvatio gore od toga ne može a to bi značilo da smo na dnu i koliko god crno vidimo 2009 BDI mora rasti ….Vjerovatno je ova cijena dionice već ukalkulirana u sve cren vijesti koje su pred nama…
Meni je ovo ohrabrujuće…

na 4300 sve prodajem...

Ovo iznad je bilo 14.12, a evo i novog od danas:

Rates for shipping charters rebound
By Robert Wright, Transport Correspondent

Published: December 15 2008 02:00 | Last updated: December 15 2008 02:00

One of the world’s main shipping markets has shown signs of recovery, with a revival in Chinese demand for iron ore and coal pushing some average charter prices up almost threefold in the past week.


U kratkim crtama predviđa se odbijanac BDI-a…..

Ovo danas kupuju oni isti što su u petak prodavali po 570. Zeznuli ih ameri.

evo vec bjezi vlakic….

Lukavo, ovo vrijedi za sve smjerove. [cool]

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

Ovo iznad je bilo 14.12, a evo i novog od danas:

Rates for shipping charters rebound
By Robert Wright, Transport Correspondent

Published: December 15 2008 02:00 | Last updated: December 15 2008 02:00

One of the world’s main shipping markets has shown signs of recovery, with a revival in Chinese demand for iron ore and coal pushing some average charter prices up almost threefold in the past week.


U kratkim crtama predviđa se odbijanac BDI-a…..

a što ste mislili da BDI na cca 600 bodova nije bio vrlo blizu dna?

 I m a g i n a t i o n * a t * w o r k 

New Report
