ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 20.09.2024. u 14:41
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

koja dividenda? što vam je? pa sad je borba za opstanak…

mislim da ćemo danas oboriti novi rekord naj nelikvidniji dan u godini…

na 4300 sve prodajem...

mislim da ćemo danas oboriti novi rekord naj nelikvidniji dan u godini…

eto ti promet malih…..vidi se snaga ….po prometu……

SVI SU SPAMERI IGNORE !!! D,D(dugoročni dokupljivači)bloger predvodnik :-)strucnjak

mislim da ćemo danas oboriti novi rekord naj nelikvidniji dan u godini…

što ti to govori? da nitko blage veze nema što jest i što će se dogoditi. kupci suzdržani, nisi neke turbo razlike bid/ask…

Ako ništa drugo izgleda da Capsize niže nemože

Baltic Exchange Dry Index 672 DOWN 12
BCI Baltic Exchange Capesize Index 830 NO CHANGE
BPI Baltic Exchange Panamax Index 539 DOWN 20
BSI Baltic Exchange Supramax Index 579 DOWN 18
BHSI Baltic Exchange Handysize Index 307 DOWN 3

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Hrvatima je ovo prejeftino za kupovat.[shocked] Stigli računi za mobitele, telefone, adsl, neispunjene obaveze, a treba i loto ispunit. Narod je u banani, pardon recesiji.

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

Capesize and panamax indices are at the lowest-ever levels recorded in the Baltic Exchange’s history.

The capesize index on December 2 fell to 830 points and the average time charter rate to $2,316 per day, less than 1% of the record high of $233,988 recorded on June 5.

The panamax index also hit bottom at 589 points. Both bulk carrier sectors are now at levels never seen since records began to be kept in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

Panama average time charter rates are now 5% of the record high in October 2007 of $94,977 per day.

A tonnage oversupply has seen rates fall to spectacular lows, including Cargill’s transatlantic round voyage at $1,000 per day, and a zero-dollars-per day fixture in October.

“It’s difficult to see how much lower it can go. This is desperate stuff,” said a Baltic Exchange freight market representative.

“China shipping iron ore on a spot basis from India is part of the reason [for rates falling]. There are a substantial number of owners who just won’t trade at these levels.”

The Baltic Dry Index has fallen to 684 points. The last time it fell this low was over 22 years ago on April 15, 1986.

If the rates continue to plummet the index may approach its lowest recorded level of 554, in early August 1986.

“Expect the unexpected,” a source at the Baltic Exchange said.

Rates have plummeted sharply since September 15, when US investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed. At the same time the Chinese cut back iron ore shipments as world steel demand collapsed.

Cargo cancellations remain the chief problem for owners, as many receivers struggle to open letters of credit, as the global financial crisis restricts access to trade finance.

South Korean and Chinese operators who piled into the market taking ships at high rates for long periods of time when times were good have also defaulted as levels fall below sustainable levels.

“When the market was hot, there were a lot of players,” said one mid-level operator, who said he only did business with a dozen creditworthy traders.

He also reported difficulties getting paid for ships chartered from his company. “People are paying a little late, but you just have to strong-arm them and the money comes in,” he said.

Published : December 3, 2008


Možda kad bude na 300 neki će čekati na 100, znaš nas, ja ovo čekam izvidom iz nekih kalkulacija kao npr. DRS je bio preko 80 dolara a zadnja je 3.99 znači pad od 20 puta, ATPL sa 3000 na 510 to je za sada 5.8 puta, uostalom pogle DLkv, JDPL, solaris itd… ili JDBA sa 20000 na 2000, šansi puno…
netko spominje dividendu, zaboravi, ovo je borba za opstanak, nekih brodara nakon 2009 neće biti, pa to je i Jerković izjavio, kao i Pavić iz JDPL..
Ža mi je mojih Tribunjaca di su oni zalutali…

DRY je isplačivao kvartalnu dividendu u visini zarade.Recimo da je ATPL radila isto oni bi isplatili
dividendu za ova zadnja tri kvartala od cca 600 kn po dionici o obzirom na gotovo 10% vlastitih dionica.
Bez tih sredstava nakon ovolikog pada vozarina i ATPL bi se mogla tržiti uz diskont dvadeset puta .
Međutim,da se trži ispod dobiti od ova tri kvartala je više nego nelogično,jer su ova sredstva ostala u

Nemam ATPL,ali ne odobravam ovakva nekorektne usporedbe.Treba imati mjere.

kako ovo loše izgleda

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), a global shipping company specializing in the transportation of dry bulk cargoes, today announced that it has entered into a time charter contract with Cargill International S.A., Geneva , for one of its Panamax dry bulk carriers, the m/v Thetis, at a gross rate of US$10,500 per day for a minimum eleven (11) to a maximum fourteen (14) month period.

This employment is anticipated to generate approximately US$3.5 million of gross revenues for the minimum scheduled period of the charter. The charter is expected to commence during January 2009.

The m/v Thetis is a 73,583 dwt Panamax dry bulk carrier built in 2004.

About the Company

Diana Shipping Inc. is a global provider of shipping transportation services. The Company specializes in transporting dry bulk cargoes, including such commodities as iron ore, coal, grain and other materials along worldwide shipping routes.

kako ovo loše izgleda

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE: DSX), a global shipping company specializing in the transportation of dry bulk cargoes, today announced that it has entered into a time charter contract with Cargill International S.A., Geneva , for one of its Panamax dry bulk carriers, the m/v Thetis, at a gross rate of US$10,500 per day for a minimum eleven (11) to a maximum fourteen (14) month period.

This employment is anticipated to generate approximately US$3.5 million of gross revenues for the minimum scheduled period of the charter. The charter is expected to commence during January 2009.

The m/v Thetis is a 73,583 dwt Panamax dry bulk carrier built in 2004.

About the Company

Diana Shipping Inc. is a global provider of shipping transportation services. The Company specializes in transporting dry bulk cargoes, including such commodities as iron ore, coal, grain and other materials along worldwide shipping routes.

kako izgleda nek izgleda, i ja ću se, kao i neke još kolege s foruma, prebaciti na NYSE i tamo ulagati u brodare. tamo bar nema dva tri dvadesetogodišnja boga u odijelima koja ti kroje sudbinu. ako padaš, padaš zbog poslovnih rezultata i prospekcija. a sve će se to jednom vratiti, neće svijet propasti.

[i] Moji postovi nisu investicijski savjeti, niti nagovor na kupnju ili prodaju dionica, već osobno mišljenje.[/i]

bas u svemu se slažem rekvijem

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