ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Zadnja izmjena 20.09.2024. u 10:51
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Možeš smatrati da sam ja optimistični lajbek, ali to sigurno nije direktor Uljanik plovidbe:

Prvo moraš znati od čega se sastoji flota Uljanik plovidbe pa u tom smislu tumačiti što njima znači stabilizacija tržišta.

Za suhe,valjda ti je jasno, stabilizacija još uvijek nije na vidiku. Revidiranje ugovora tek poprima ozbiljne razmjere.

Baltic capesize and panamax indices hit rock bottom

Liz McCarthy – Tuesday 2 December 2008

The capesize index has fallen to 830 points.
CAPESIZE and panamax indices are at the lowest-ever levels recorded in the Baltic Exchange’s history.

The capesize index today fell to 830 points and the average time charter rate to $2,316 per day, less than 1% of the record high of $233,988 recorded on June 5.

The panamax index also hit bottom at 589 points. Both bulk carrier sectors are now at levels never seen since records began to be kept in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

Panama average time charter rates are now 5% of the record high in October 2007 of $94,977 per day.

A tonnage oversupply has seen rates fall to spectacular lows, including Cargill’s transatlantic round voyage at $1,000 per day, and a zero-dollars-per day fixture in October.

“It’s difficult to see how much lower it can go. This is desperate stuff,” said a Baltic Exchange freight market representative.

“China shipping iron ore on a spot basis from India is part of the reason [for rates falling]. There is a substantial number of owners who just won’t trade at these levels.”

The Baltic Dry Index has fallen to 684 points. The last time it fell this low was over 22 years ago on April 15,1986.

If the rates continue to plummet the index may approach its lowest recorded level of 554, in early August 1986.

“Expect the unexpected,” a source at the Baltic Exchange said.

Rates have plummeted sharply since September 15, when US investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed. At the same time the Chinese cut back iron ore shipments as world steel demand collapsed.
Cargo cancellations remain the chief problem for owners, as many receivers struggle to open letters of credit, as the global financial crisis restricts access to trade finance.

South Korean and Chinese operators who piled into the market taking ships at high rates for long periods of time when times were good have also defaulted as levels fall below sustainable levels.

“When the market was hot, there were a lot of players,” said one mid-level operator, who said he only did business with a dozen creditworthy traders.

He also reported difficulties getting paid for ships chartered from his company. “People are paying a little late, but you just have to strong-arm them and the money comes in,” he said.

Panamax rates sink in Pacific as deals are renegotiated

Sandra Tsui in Hong Kong – Tuesday 2 December 2008

SHIPBROKERS in the Far East said rates would continue to fall in the Pacific panamax market as operators were busyre-negotiating the terms of period contracts with shipowners, writes Sandra Tsui in Hong Kong.

Sakai, a vidi što nam je Đorđe pametan …

What’s Next For Dry Bulk Shippers?
Ruthie Ackerman, 12.02.08, 12:40 PM EST
DryShips and Genco, two publicly traded companies, may take a new approach: going private.

With the flow of capital in the dry bulk market running dry, speculation is circulating that some publicly traded dry bulk companies may take themselves private. The two big names on everyone’s lips: DryShips and Genco Shipping & Trading.

Dry bulk shipping rates have plunged over 90.0% since the summer highs and the net asset values of ships have tumbled 70.0%, causing a significant number of dry bulk companies to breach their loan covenants.

The result: The most heavily debt-laden dry bulk companies may decide to go private, wrote Wachovia Capital Markets analyst Justin Yagerman in a note to investors.

Which company will it be? The edge goes to George Economou’s DryShips (nasdaq: DRYS – news – people ) — the billionaire shipping tycoon can certainly afford it. As for risks, DryShips has earned itself a top spot on the list of publicly traded dry bulk companies with the most outstanding debt, and its total has shot up 131.3% over the prior year. (See "CEO: Don’t Dump DryShips.")

There are other bad signs for investors, too. Last month, DryShips said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it planned to sell as many as 25.0 million new shares, a move that could significantly dilute existing shareholders. It also warned it may breach its loan covenants if the current low charter rates in the dry bulk market continue. In October, the company took over nine Capesize ships that had been owned by Economou’s privately held Cardiff Marine, a move many saw as a way to offload debt onto DryShips shareholders. (See "High And Dry In Dry Bulk.")

Even more troubling is if Economou, who is No. 707 on Forbes’ list of billionaires, decides not to take DryShips private but instead lets it fall into bankruptcy. Economou’s first Wall Street venture ended badly when Alpha Shipping defaulted on $175.0 million in junk bonds in 1999, allowing Economou to strike a deal that let him pay creditors 37 cents on the dollar and left him in possession of most of the fleet. (See "Curious George.")

Another company that’s exploring going private is Genco Shipping & Trading (nyse: GNK – news – people ). The dry bulk shipper entertained the possibility on its recent third-quarter conference call. "At current valuation levels, all the dry bulk shippers are probably looking at all their options," said Jefferies analyst Douglas J. Mavrinac.
Comment On This Story

On Tuesday, rates on Capesize ships, which are the largest vessels, fell to $2,316, down from $2,364 on Monday. Ironically, rates on the smaller Panamax ships, which can fit through the Panama Canal, sank to $4,499, down from $4,759 on Monday. The rates on the even-smaller Supramax ships slid to $6,244, down from $6,381 on Monday.

Meanwhile, the Baltic Dry Index, which is managed by the Baltic Exchange in London and measures dry bulk shipping rates on 40 routes across the world, fell for the 10th straight session on Tuesday to below 700, a level not seen since 1986. The index slipped 16 points on Tuesday to 684.

ako BDI nastavi sa padon sljedećih 2-3 tjedna, zar je moguće da će ATPL pasti ispod 300kn ????
za nas koje imamo prosjek preko 2000kn ovo će biti duga glavobolja… 🙁

…ajme! asti miša, ča ti je….?
prodaj sve ča jimaš i ja ću prodat moju kuću u Tribunju i za sve šolde ćemo kupit ATPL!! [cool]

"Oprosti tvojim neprijateljima, ali ne zaboravi nikada njihova imena" John F. Kennedy

joker a mi sa višim prosjekom?

Ni ja nisan dobio kolendar od Atlanske, biće iman premalo dionica.Šmrc [cry]

Nije važan broj dionica….šalju oni svima i nama u inozemstvo samo se treba malo strpiti [wink]


ako BDI nastavi sa padon sljedećih 2-3 tjedna, zar je moguće da će ATPL pasti ispod 300kn ????
za nas koje imamo prosjek preko 2000kn ovo će biti duga glavobolja… 🙁


drastično smanjti doprinose na plaće i drastično smanjiti poreze. samo tako možemo dalje !

slaba mi je to utjeha, a osim toga kalendari izgleda nisu za sve dioničare!

To je znak pažnje i respekta prema dioničarima. To vam je još jedan signal od strane Atlanske da im vjerujete, a vi ste toliko zaslijepljeni pohlepom da ne vidite dalje od ekrana vašeg računala. Pa se čudite kako takva cijena Atlanske. Jedan od faktora koji određuju cijenu dionica smo i mi dioničari sa svojim neodgovornim ponašanjem prema firmi od koje očekujemo rješenje svoje egzistencije, a da se drugi utapaju za nas. 700 ljudi svakodnevno radi da bi Atlanska ostala to što je i ja im vjerujem upravo zbog truda koji ulažu. To je jedini ispravni put. Ja znam da patetika nije za burzu ali poštujte ono što je ispravno i na zdravim fundamentima. I ne kukajte i cmizdite na visokim ulazima jer onda uistinu ne zaslužujete ovu dionicu. Prodajte je i kupite Ledo, nećete trenutno ništa izgubit, a ljeto je i tako brzo na pragu pa možete lizanjem, mislim sladoleda, povećavat dobit svoje firme i maštat o Karibima i ostalim egzotičnim p………a. Ili uložite u Plavac Mali vratit će Vam se sigurno boljim raspoloženjem.

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

As iz prvog servisa, odlično! [smiley]

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

40.170,78 78 515,01 522,00 35 18.270,00
17.510,00 34 515,00 523,90 30 15.717,00
102.400,00 200 512,00 524,99 25 13.124,75
51.101,00 100 511,01 525,00 175 91.875,00
51.100,00 100 511,00 528,96 21 11.108,16
54.075,90 106 510,15 530,00 34 18.020,00
35.707,70 70 510,11 533,99 25 13.349,75
20.400,00 40 510,00 534,99 75 40.124,25
1.010,00 2 505,00 535,00 50 26.750,00
10.040,40 20 502,02 539,98 25 13.499,50

Nekako sam veliki optimista za današnji dan, ne znam zašto mi se čini ali mogla bi pozitivna blokada [thumbsup]

A i ti si isto našao gdje češ vrijeme gubiti. Bolje da si otišao na seminar o razmnožavanju jednojajčanih algi, nego na BRA

"Zbog ekonomske krize, ali i toga što nam je ove godine propao angažman u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima, kamo smo svake godine prevozili vjernike na hadž, odlučili smo se za linearno smanjenje plaća svim našim djelatnicima, od čistačice do direktora", kaže Singer dodajući kako se nisu odlučili na otpuštanje zaposlenika, nego na linearno smanjenje plaća svima dok ne dođu bolji dani.

Podsjetimo da je vlasnik zrakoplovne tvrtke brodar Atlantska plovidba.

Ne ulazim u istinitost, cisto da ne prodje nezamjeceno.

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat"-Sun Tzu 600BC

100-tke pobjegle sa kupnje. Još je rano za prognozu ali ako ćemo već u blokadu mislim da prije slijedi negativna, iako ne vjerujem da će biti ni jedne. Daleko je i 460kn a i 562kn. Prije bih rekao da ćemo biti u blizini ove razine (toliko često prije spominjani i od nekih smatran za nedostižni nivo od 500kn) sa manjim pomacima ne bi li ju malo utvrdili kao možebitno uporište (otpora ili potpore), a svi veći pomaci da će biti trapovi (bull ili bear)….

ovaj post nije ni u kojem smislu poziv na kupnju ili prodaju dionica.

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