ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Amerika je u minusu, a mi se moramo malo dodvorit Obami, pa ćemo mi u rikverc duplo nego Ameri.
Ostala mi neka sića nakon transakcije, 400 kun, danas sam se sjeti, misli sam kupit pounje, ali sam odusta, prebaci na tekući i kupi deset boca Plavca, da mi vrati optimizam, a i on je crven 13.5%. [tongue]

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

mudro, plavac, mudro… samo kako je krenulo, hoći li biti dosta vina za svih?

naprotiv treba pratiti BDI …
dobra je stvar da se vozarine oporavljaju jer o njima direktno ovisi prihod tvrtke…loše vijesti su već ukalkulirane u cijenu… isto tako će cijena ići gore prije nego mi ustanovimo da je kriza završila…burza uvijek reagira prije nego realna ekonomija pokaže…

ah, naravno da je bitan bdi za atpl, no ovo sam mislio globalno. tragično je kad u ovakvom propadanju gdje je bdi samo jedna od karika se samo on promatra. on je posljedica posljedičine posljedice a bolest se ne liječi andolom.
da, prvo na burzi doznamo kako i šta se događa u ekonomiji…
imam sjajnu formulu za sagledavanje dna. jednostavna i efikasna, davno rečena i napisana, no u kiši informacija malo marginalizirana.
burza je virtualna ekonomija koja pokaže prije što se događa u realnoj ekonomiji…

Komentar jucerasnjeg stanja…

19:02 17Nov08 -OPINION – ICAP dry bulk shipping report – Nov 17
(The opinions expressed in this article represent the views
of the author only. They should not be seen as reflecting the views of Reuters.)

Charter markets today


PANAMAX – A fairly quiet start to the week, but levels were maintained. We hear that the
74,000 dwt 2001 blt Rosalia D’Amato has fixed a trip via Australia delivery Taiwan-Japan for
Transbulk at US$12,500. There hasn’t been a huge amount of activity on short to one-year
periods, and maybe this is a reflection of the lack of activity in the paper market that has
been quite illiquid recently. Overall, today was a typically slow Monday in the Pacific, but
the feeling for the rest of the week is fairly positive as there are healthy levels of fresh
enquiry on the market and a good supply/demand ratio.

In the Atlantic, some fresh enquiry also entered the market this morning giving some more
confidence as tonnage levels tightened especially on the Continent. Given increased activity
levels this morning, this afternoon was fairly quiet in comparison. However it looks as though
we could have another week during which rates rise slowly across the board.

HANDYSIZE/SUPRAMAX – Today was also a typical Monday for Supramaxes in the Pacific with very
little activity. There is still an imbalance between tonnage supply and demand as we are not
seeing fresh Nopac and South East Asian cargoes. There appears to be more enquiry for backhaul
and short period, although given current market conditions, the emphasis on head owned ships
or ships with short chains of ownership has become more critical. The west coast India market
remains steady, particularly for ships prompt until end of Nov, as there are some prompt
cargoes that are yet to be covered. The East coast India is slowly improving although still
not to the same extent as the other coast.

Although it was equally quiet in the Atlantic today, rates seem to have settled at the
slightly improved levels fixed on Friday. A lack of prompt tonnage in the USG has seen some
healthier fixtures and we can perhaps expect further improvement this week. On the continent,
our tonnage list is looking somewhat shorter than in previous weeks and we hope that we can
see further improvements here as well. The Mediterranean is stable rather than forging ahead
any further, although rates for business transiting the gulf of Aden are commanding a premium,
presumably as a result of the problems with piracy in the region. The South Atlantic also
seems to be levelling and we are seeing a few owners resisting fixing their ships at lower

Ugljen je izgleda jedino što prolazi u ovim tmurnim danima…

02:02 18Nov08 -Australia’s Newcastle port sees lower coal exports

PERTH, Nov 18 (Reuters) – Coal exports from Australia’s
Newcastle port fell 17 percent from the previous week, with
fewer ships arriving at the port, port data showed on Tuesday.
Exports at the New South Wales port, the world’s largest
coal export terminal, fell to 1.634 million tonnes in the week to
Nov. 17, versus 1.973 million for the week to Nov. 10, data from
the Newcastle Port Corp Website showed.
A total of 20 ships visited the port in the most recent week,
down from 22 the previous week, while the number of ships waiting
off the port rose to 30 vessels from 24.
These 30 ships were waiting to load 2.85 million tonnes of
coal, while stockpiles at the port’s Carrington and Kooragang
loading terminals were up 8 percent at 0.85 million tonnes.
The port operator, Hunter Valley Coal Chain Logistics Team,
said on Monday that vessel arrivals in November were expected to
ship 8.2 million tonnes at the end of the month, with ship queue
seen at about 36 vessels.

Thermal coal prices in Australia, a benchmark for Asia, fell
to $91.06 on Monday, hovering near its lowest in 10 months, as
mounting pessimism over the global economy weighed on coal’s
demand outlook. [COAL/ASIA]

Evo jučer je i po prvi put nakon dužeg vremena zabilježen rast vozarina na jednoj ruti Capesiza,a na svim rutama Panamaxa,Supramax i Handysizea rastu vozarine

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. ~Billy Graham

Malo štiva!



gospodin tržište je uber pesimističan,preko granice dobrog ukusa

Good artists copy. Great artists steal.

730,00 nije loše počelo.

Sveti Vlaho učini nešto, il je sruši na 500 il je digni na 5000.

evo ti šta je naša burza. Sa samo 5 m.k. Crobex pao za više od 4% …nevjerojatno…

na 4300 sve prodajem...

evo ti šta je naša burza. Sa samo 5 m.k. Crobex pao za više od 4% …nevjerojatno…

Nažalost ali je tako… ode to prema vladovima prognozama… [bye]

alaj ce se ovi iz burze danas na telefonirati [shocked]
koliko blokada vec sad – a nije ni polak 11!

New Report
