ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 22.12.2024. u 22:14
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Cape se sad ispostavilo kao sr..nje jadna li mu majka, al nema potrebe za odustajanjem. Novi cape je novi cape i exploatirat će ga 30 godina.I još iz STX. Para imaju i ne vidim veliki rizik, nisu ih 10 kupili, jebo jedan. Da su mogli bolje proć, mogli su. Al što se novogradnje tiće ne puno. Idemo dalje.


nadajmo se i da će vozarine za cape biti kudikamo bolje na dan preuzimanja nego što su danas … a vjerujem da hoće …

Ovi se izgleda nemaju namjeru predati!
The transport ministry is considering a plan to spend 5 trillion yuan ($730 billion) on road and port infrastructure projects over the next three to five years, in a bid to stimulate domestic demand, the Shanghai-based China Business News reported on Wednesday.

An anonymous source with the ministry was quoted as saying that the massive spending was being considered as "such investment can produce an immediate effect (on domestic demand)".

The 5 trillion yuan figure includes funds the government had already earmarked for highway construction projects, the report said.
About 140 billion yuan will be spent on roads each year during the 11th Five-Year Plan period (2006-10), and 100 billion yuan a year during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-20), it said.

The investment is part of the government’s target to have 95 percent of all towns and 80 percent of all villages linked by a national road network by the end of 2020.

By 2010, China’s expressways will stretch 65,000 km, up from 45,400 km at the end of last year, according to earlier government forecasts.
If the State Council approves the extra spending, "the targets can be achieved earlier than expected", the source was quoted as saying.
Transport ministry spokesman Ke Linchun told China Daily on Wednesday that although additional spending on infrastructure is being considered, the size of the investment has yet to be agreed.

"The total amount has not been decided," he said.
According to media reports, industry experts have hailed the news, saying large-scale spending on infrastructure is needed to stimulate domestic demand.
The government made similarly large investments in the years following the 1998 Asian financial crisis to counter the effects of the regional slump.
Zhang Wenjie, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, said on Wednesday that while he welcomed the extra spending on highway projects, a more pressing requirement was the development of the nation’s ports and docks.
"This area deserves a much larger proportion of the spending, as we still lag a long way behind developed countries in terms of numbers," he said.

As well as the proposed new investment, on Oct 24, the State Council approved 2 trillion yuan for the construction of a series of railway projects to help boost economic growth amid the worldwide financial crisis.

As well as creating jobs in construction, the projects will be good news for the nation’s steel and cement industries.

čudni se ovdje sveci slave....

FFA u plusu i danas, i to dosta … Može se očekivati rast BDI-a, a mi ćemo opet roniti.

Evo jedan komentar… U dnu je izvor…

05Nov08 -OPINION-ICAP dry bulk shipping report

Charter markets today


PANAMAX – Yet another day with booming rates in the Pacific. The
Baltic Index is lagging behind levels seen on the market. The
`Golden Joy’ open Japan fixed NOPAC with sulphur at US$6,250,
and we hear most owners are asking for US$8,000 for rounds. We
are seeing a lot of interest in both index-based and time
charter periods. Rates for period charters are edging up the low
teens and are now around US$13,500-14,000. There has also been
lots of activity on the spot market, particularly shipments of
coal into India which are pushing up rates. Overall there is a
positive feeling in the market today and paper levels have also
been increasing.

The general sentiment in the Atlantic also improved today with a
positive paper market early in the day, and some support
provided by the flurry of activity taking place in the Pacific
basin. Not unlike yesterday, the tonnage levels available stayed
quite stable and a few fresh requirements entered the market.
Although it is not easy to say if this is the beginning of the
market’s rebouncing, we do expect to find some balance in this
shaky environment some time soon.
Beatrice Mavroleon
Dry Freight Analyst

Cape se sad ispostavilo kao sr..nje jadna li mu majka, al nema potrebe za odustajanjem. Novi cape je novi cape i exploatirat će ga 30 godina.I još iz STX. Para imaju i ne vidim veliki rizik, nisu ih 10 kupili, jebo jedan. Da su mogli bolje proć, mogli su. Al što se novogradnje tiće ne puno. Idemo dalje.

Do rujna 2009. godine ima tri dana jahanja, a i FFA sugerira malo drugačiju situaciju od trenutne. Vjerujem da će biti jedan ali vrijedan. Svjedoci smo turbulentnih vremena u brodarstvu, sjetiti se samo 15. travnja i 19. svibnja ove godine. Nažalost, cape size brodovi su i povukli BDI ovako nisko ali će ga odvući i up kad se situacija okrene, ono juče sa BPI je bio izuzetak, a ne pravilo. Obzirom da ATPL nema u floti (za sada) cape brodove nego panamaxe, handy i teškaše, pa i jučerašnje kretanje dionice ukazuje da je cijena dionice u uskoj korelaciji sa Crobexom.

koje su posljedice u slučaju odustanka?

Lova koju si dao prilikom potpisa ugovora (obicno 20 %) ostaje u dzepu brodogradilista. Nemoj me hvatati za rijec, mozda grijesim.
Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd. (GNK US) slid 16 cents, or 0.7 percent, to $22.30. The company whose ships transport raw commodities such as iron ore and coal said it will cancel an agreement to buy six ships for $530 million and will lose a $53 million deposit.
U njihovom slucaju 10 %

Ivo Sanader je otišao jer mu je tako naredio Chuck Norris.

Danas će opet ATPL biti žrtva brutalnog iskrcavanja.

Top ask
839,90 3
859,79 30
859,80 25
859,99 30
860,00 144
889,99 26
898,00 20
899,98 14
899,99 96
900,00 95

Blokada je na 864,10.

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Ajde iskomentirajte ovo, molim vas…

Top ask
780,98 40
780,99 7
789,00 15
789,99 30
790,00 32
799,00 50
800,00 30
839,90 3
839,98 16
840,00 104

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Ajde iskomentirajte ovo, molim vas…

Top ask
780,98 40
780,99 7
789,00 15
789,99 30
790,00 32
799,00 50
800,00 30
839,90 3
839,98 16
840,00 104

[lol] [lol] [lol]

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Pozdrav društvo, što je ovo bilo ?

Ajde iskomentirajte ovo, molim vas…

Užas, to su isti oni koji su je jučer u plus zablokirali!
Samo me zanima šta će radit ako danas bude zelen BDI?!


New Report
