Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 42,78 | 1.626 | 38 | 42,50 | 43,00 | -1,16% |
Ja vidim da je u plusu, i na finom prometu.
ATPL-R-A 900,00 1.052,99 950,00 1.88 % up 13.930 13.425.388,24
Radije ću je kupovat po 1500 kada budem znao smjer nego danas po 930 ako ne znam di će. [undecid]
hm ako je kaniš kupovati na 1500, onda znači da već i sada znaš smjer. ili se od 930 do 1500 može doći i padajući? [cool]
Kažem da je bolje kupovati kad se penje, nego pogađati di joj je dno, što su mnogi uključujući i mene iskusili, a malo ih je pogodilo. Iskreno se nadam da ti jesi. STRONG BUY na ATPL je mnogima bio već od 1500 a zna se di smo završili. Ali imam ma umu i izlaznu strategiju, ako vidim da ode mast u propast, pokupiću prnje, prihvatit poraz i otići negdi di sam siguran da ima perspektivu koja je kraća od X godina. Ovo nije HT di znaš da š dobit 10-15% dividende, pa ako izgubi 30 ili 40% na vrijednosti boli te đon.
Evo, za one koji drukaju, kupujte, kupujte, nek se zna da se i ovo dešava, daleko od toga da vjerujem u ovaj scenario, nit za ATPL ni za JDPL, ali ovoga u brodarstvu ima. Ponavljam, oprez, pa mi slobodno dajte aseva koliko hoćete…
More bankruptcies round the corner, warns DVB
Tony Gray – utorak 4 studeni 2008
Dagfinn Lunde
A LEADING banker has warned that the shipping industry will suffer many more bankruptcies, with some just weeks away.
DVB Bank head of shipping Dagfinn Lunde said the downturn in shipping would be “deep and long”.
In two years’ time “we will have a crisis very similar to that of the mid-1980s”, which some experts believed was the worst ever experienced by shipping, he said.
“There will be many more bankruptcies,” Mr Lunde told the Lloyd’s Shipping Economist Ship Finance & Investment Conference in London.
“You can see this from the leverage of the companies and the charter rates. It is a question of weeks and months.”
Some bankruptcies were “very close around the corner” and could involve big names in the industry.
Collapses would not only involve dry bulk operators, but also other sectors such as containership operators.
Mr Lunde said that DVB was establishing an “asset management group for shipping”, similar to that in aviation, where there had been 30 bankruptcies in the past year.
He said that the credit crunch had “triggered a money market meltdown and, as a consequence, the freeze of any shipping lending, and drastically pushed up margins”.
The crunch had brought forward by a year the problems the bank had otherwise been expecting in shipping towards the end of 2009 or the beginning of 2010.
Mr Lunde advised most shipowners that today it would be easier to raise equity rather than senior loans.
Although equity funding had also been “disappearing” this year, there were still some funds around.
“The prices are getting interesting, particularly if you look at the share market in the US.”
On the demand side, Mr Lunde said he saw some optimistic signs in the continued growth of China, with its huge plans for infrastructure projects, and the potential victory in the US presidential election of the Democratic Party, which had also earmarked “enormous” funds for infrastructure development.
Speaking on the sidelines of the conference, Petrofin managing director Ted Petropoulos agreed with Mr Lunde that there would be more bankruptcies, but said he expected the “commencement of recovery in two years”, with a “good” market emerging in three-to-five years.
Mr Petropoulos’ forecast reflected the desperation of governments to avoid recession, which was creating the conditions for “runaway growth” that would boost commodity prices and international trade.
Meanwhile, Cyrus de la Rubia, a senior economist with HSH Nordbank — the world’s largest shipping bank — pointed out that there were significant differences between the current financial crisis and the Great Depression between 1929 and 1933, to which it was being likened.
Chief among these was that the world economy was no longer based on “just two regions, the US and Europe”.
China accounted for about a quarter of global economic growth, and about half came from emerging economies, he said.
Mr de la Rubia said he saw no reason for China’s investment boom to end, and the country had plans for the construction of 400 cities of 500,000 inhabitants by 2040.
China had the “fiscal reserves for infrastructure projects
Lijepo naši plove kontra smjera na NYSE:
Mislim da bi do kraja dana to moglo bit i još uvjerljivije.
Ne razumijem ovu navalu na prodaju kod nas nakon objave pozitivnog BDI-a?
Ovaj dio i nije tako loš:
Meanwhile, Cyrus de la Rubia, a senior economist with HSH Nordbank — the world’s largest shipping bank — pointed out that there were significant differences between the current financial crisis and the Great Depression between 1929 and 1933, to which it was being likened.
Chief among these was that the world economy was no longer based on “just two regions, the US and Europe”.
China accounted for about a quarter of global economic growth, and about half came from emerging economies, he said.
Mr de la Rubia said he saw no reason for China’s investment boom to end, and the country had plans for the construction of 400 cities of 500,000 inhabitants by 2040.
China had the “fiscal reserves for infrastructure projects
Brodari u svijet se i danas zelene i to na veliko:
a i BDI index konačno nakon više tjedana crvenila okrenuo u zeleno:
Još jučer smo govorili da će danas BDI početi rasti.
Brodari u svijet se i danas zelene i to na veliko:
a i BDI index konačno nakon više tjedana crvenila okrenuo u zeleno:
Još jučer smo govorili da će danas BDI početi rasti.
ma ovo je lagni kraj krize kod brodara..sad ce trebati ugljen a nakon toga ce im zalihe rudace polagano odlaziti..kako se bankarski sektor popravlja tako ce i brodari tj bdi rasti..
bdi koliko pratim nikad nije samo jedan dan bio u pozitivi,a to se vidi i po vanjskim brodarima..da ocekuju oporavak.
Vidim ja da nema onih što su prije bili redovni u tome kako brodari stoje vanka pa kada neće oni ja ću i pored toga što je Dow 9,371.52 -253.76 -2.64% brodari idu gore
lumnar Edit
Symbol Time Trade Change % Chg Volume Intraday Related Info
DRYS 12:19PM ET 21.71 Up 0.41 Up 1.92% 4,748,218 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
DSX 12:19PM ET 18.20 Up 0.97 Up 5.63% 1,025,204 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
EGLE 12:20PM ET 10.95 Down 0.03 Down 0.27% 1,084,271 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
ESEA 12:19PM ET 5.57 Down 0.23 Down 3.97% 173,117 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
EXM 12:20PM ET 13.62 Down 0.10 Down 0.73% 1,269,519 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
GNK 12:19PM ET 25.12 Up 2.66 Up 11.84% 1,502,571 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
NM 12:19PM ET 2.86 Up 0.08 Up 2.87% 575,331 Chart, Messages, Key Stats, More
QMAR Apr 15 24.29 0.00 0.00% 0 Chart, Messages, , More
TBSI 12:18PM ET 9.65 Up 0.22 Up 2.33% 714,59
Evo da i ja doprinesem pozitivnom ozracju. Vale je unajmio brod i placa vise od trenutne cijene na spotu a nakon 2 mjeseca cijena skace skoro duplo.
Brodari u svijet se i danas zelene i to na veliko:
a i BDI index konačno nakon više tjedana crvenila okrenuo u zeleno:
Još jučer smo govorili da će danas BDI početi rasti.
baci oko sad
Evo da i ja doprinesem pozitivnom ozracju. Vale je unajmio brod i placa vise od trenutne cijene na spotu a nakon 2 mjeseca cijena skace skoro duplo.
ova je na mjestu,,,,al na djelu nam je brutalno iskrcavanje koje ne prestaje……