ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 03.01.2025. u 06:55
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Ovaj stalno druka protiv brodara, al su mu argumenti slabi, a analize izrazito površne. Žalosno je što takve neznalice uspijevaju zastrašiti mnoge ulagače.

kolki je bdi?

..stoga sam danas ponosan čovjek jer sve što sam izgradio danas sam svojim potpisom predao hrvatskoj državi...

nego jes vidio Queen Mary, uslikao to?

Nisam, danas sam se družio uglavnom s McDonnell Douglasima…


aha ili si pilot ili servisiraš avione !?
da ….ovo ste jako dobro zakljucili jer je pa gotovo nemoguce da cepa karte na ulazu u avion

ma nije radi toga , nego Croatia airlans se još uvijek služi takvim avionma pa sam gotovo siguran bio za koga radi…
Koliko je meni poznato CA nema takve avione u floti, znači Dubrovnik airline.


Malo štiva!



Ovo ste vidjeli valjda?!

Svjetske luke zatrpane "parkiranim" brodovima, hrvatski brodari plove na ugovore
Vaš link

Mogla bi dobit naših brodara u 2009. biti, kikiriki i koštice.

E moj EuroBarone, da se nakon nekoliko mjeseci onaj tvoj MACD nije prekrižio za buy i to upravo jučer možda bi ti i prošlo ovo… [bye] [bye]


Pala kota 900.

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Nešto zaradio…a sad plačem što sam se iskrcao… sretno vam bilo… [thumbsup]

još malo i blokada danas

Wile E. Coyote: Carnivorous Vulgaris; Apetitius Giganticus; Eatius Birdius


ATPL-R-A 846,00 915,50 915,50 10.05 % upTrgovanje dionicom je suspendirano 4.060 3.606.840,68

Mudro je zborio stari Seneca: "Per ipiz dudatis eneus iri!"

Još da nam dođe BDI sa jedno 150 poena plusa bilo bi divno.

Ova blokada je tek početak.

Moji postovi ne predstavljaju nagovor niti na kupnju niti na prodaju dionica!

Evo, nešto što svi više manje znamo, pitanja i odgovori sa jedne stranice o brodarstvu, malo je strarije, sa kraja rujna, mislim da smo većinu opisanih razloga pada BDI-a nadvladali, vjerujem da će se dolje navedeni razlozi za povrat BDI-A ubrzo početi ostvarivati

Fellow shipping investors,

The link between the BDI Index and the shipping companies that carry dry bulk is established. What i am finding difficult to understand is the magnitude of the recent slump in the index which is obviously a major contributor to the slump in the related shipping stocks. Can anyone please try and explain the reasons behind the index’s slump and any ideas on when this might turn and the reasons for the turn around should arrive ? Many thanks.

With thanks.

Reza – here are a few general thoughts:

possible reasons for the BDI’s precipitous drop:
1.Global slowdown fears increasing dramatically due to the credit crisis and its uncertain resolution,
2. China virtually stopped industrial production during the Olympics…now they see charter rates coming down and are abstaining from new orders,
3. Chinese iron ore stockpiles are at multi-year highs, thus reducing their immediate need,
4.Next Wednesday begins Golden Week in China, where workers go on 7-day holiday, thus further reducing marginal demand,
5.Most dry commodities have sold off from their peak prices earlier this year.

Given these reasons, we can expect an eventual rebound in shipping volumes due to the following conditions:
1. Congress passes the proposed federal credit expansion, which should eliminate some uncertainty and bring credit spreads down,
2.Chinese domestic iron ore is a lower quality and cannot sustain their longer term needs
3.Grain shipments from the US harvest will be shipped in Q4,
4. Thermal coal shipments will increase to China as they ramp up inventory for the winter heating season,
5. China has just significantly raised taxes on coal exports, i.e. they are clearly establishing themselves as a net importer of coal, which bodes very well for long term ton-mile demand.

Keep in mind that the BDI is ultimately an index of charter rates that are fixed by people, and as such it is influenced by both sentiment and physical supply/demand.

…Ajde sad neko nek` nabaci targete….možda 1200 pa 1500…. [proud]
Kad je padalo targeti svakih pet minuta, a sad nikoga čut.

Ako BDI skoci danas cemo mo preko 1000, a bilo i vrijeme…

Ploviti se mora

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