Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 42,78 | 1.626 | 38 | 42,50 | 43,00 | -1,16% |
Vidim da se ne kužimo, pa ću biti slobodan objaniti vam. U navodu da 98 crobex nije krenuo…….. mislio sam prema većoj bodovnoj cifri.
Kod ustrojavanja crobexa kao indexa (pokazatelja) mislim da se krenulo od 1000 bodova (ispravite me ako griješim) naravno sa varijacijama koje ste vi naveli.
Što se tiče vira, priznajem da sam pogriješio jer sam reagirao subjektivno, pošto ga imam puno. Moja isprika zbog takve reakcije. Nisam vjerovao da se možemo tako strmoglaviti.
Mislim da me sada razumijete. Jednako sam razočaran kao i svi forumaši koji su "u dionicama"
Isprika i ostalima što sam uzeo prostora na ovoj temi.
Dobro hoćemo li već jedanput preuzeti taj Zagreb !
Da krene na to basnoslovno putovanje za 3K$.
Pracat bi mogao za -3 K$.
Kolega špancir,iskreno se nadam da ovaj sarkazam neće dugo trajati.
Brž bi bilo bolje jedno misec dana ostavit se ćoretanja u ekran,napunit baterije,ima života i vanka ovega našeg dioničarskog svita.
Osobno, nastojim smanjit,ali ni lako,ka ča se ni lako ni odreć humanja.
Đavlija ovisnost.
http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=GOGL.OL – uzmite u obzir da je i 3 prethodna dana rastao po 15-ak posto.
svaki komentar je suvišan, mislim da nam je tržište ostalo jednostavno bez kuna.
moze molim K/p hvala
Ukupno Količina Cijena Cijena Količina Ukupno
840,10 1 840,10 841,96 8 6.735,68
17.640,00 21 840,00 844,00 55 46.420,00
3.340,00 4 835,00 844,99 100 84.499,00
41.550,00 50 831,00 845,99 35 29.609,65
41.500,50 50 830,01 846,00 130 109.980,00
163.510,00 197 830,00 847,00 24 20.328,00
3.316,00 4 829,00 848,06 20 16.961,20
19.800,00 24 825,00 848,50 100 84.850,00
32.097,00 39 823,00 848,90 14 11.884,60
123.000,00 150 820,00 849,19 9 7.642,71
Kupuje se, kupuje…
ATPL-R-A 810,00 844,99 844,99 6.51 % up 2.451 2.026.034,44
zagreb je preuzet i na putu je indoneziju. ukrcaj tereta ugljena za luku ploce. ne znam koliki je najam pa molim ako netko zna da objavi.
Evo, Grci iz DRYSA, u svom izvještaju za Q3 kažu da će se sve to isporavit
"The lack of financing of global trade has temporarily brought the spot market to a virtual standstill but we expect this situation to normalize as the credit crunch subsides and stockpiles are gradually but steadily drawn down. We continue to believe in the long term fundamentals of drybulk shipping.
On the demand side, the infrastructure building in the developing economies of China and other countries is irreversible and will continue. On the supply side, we expect that a significant portion of the orderbook will not be delivered due to financing constraints, while scrapping will increase, leading to a tighter supply between supply and demand balance and a healthier freight market. With our modern fleet and strong locked-in cash flows and a strong balance sheet, DryShips is strategically positioned to take advantage of market opportunities as they may arise.
zagreb je preuzet i na putu je indoneziju. ukrcaj tereta ugljena za luku ploce. ne znam koliki je najam pa molim ako netko zna da objavi.
Kad stigne uslikat ću ga i sliku staviti na forum.
Vale bi sad malo popustio, ali sad Kinezi nece….
By Alfred Cang
SHANGHAI, Nov 3 (Reuters) – Brazil’s Vale, the world’s largest iron ore miner, withdrew its demand for a 12 percent price rise for this year’s iron ore and agreed to pay freight for some of its Chinese customers, two trade sources said on Monday.
"Vale has agreed with several steel mills to carry the freight cost from Brazil to China," one of the sources said, noting that the "informal" agreement did not include a time frame.
The global economic slowdown, coupled with a domestic housing slump, hit Chinese domestic steel demand and exports. Top steel mills in China have cut output and purchased less iron ore, and are readying for an unprofitable fourth quarter.
Lower global steel production also hit the mining sector.
Vale said on Friday that it would cut iron ore output by 10 percent from November as it sees market conditions deteriorating very intensely over the next three to four months.
Vale asked its Asian clients to pay about 12 to 13 percent more for iron ore under 2008 term contracts to bring their FOB prices in line with those paid by European steel mills.
However, Chinese steel mills rejected the demand, saying they could rely on domestically-produced iron ore and that huge port stockpiles could supply the whole industry. They called for imports from the Brazilian miner to be blocked.
Stocks of ore in Chinese ports hit record of nearly 90 million tonnes, equivalent to over two months of imports.
Capesize freight rates on the key route between Brazil and China have fallen to a six-year low of $10.6 per tonne by the end of October, down from above $108 a tonne in June, due to a drop in shipments of iron ore to China.