ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

day traderi?

Mislim da reagiraju na FED-ove vijesti o smanjenju kamatnih stopa…a i moguce su neki ljudi preko skuzili da su dovoljno podcjenjeni..
Ma ko ce vise znat [lol]

Ivo Sanader je otišao jer mu je tako naredio Chuck Norris.

ono ALFA-RA znači rabljena.

(P)ostao san dugoročni dokupljivač


DRYS je kolega tu di je zbog drugih stvari i jako loše uprave ali ja mislim da ste i vi o tome čitali na CNBC.


day traderi?

oni uglavnom sute i trguju.

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje


Je,ali i drugi su drastično pali.
Npr.EGLE 77% 30 $ 7 $
DSX 51% 30 $ 14,7 $
GNK 80% Year average 70 $ bottom 14 $
Pa nije vrag da su sve te uprave tako loše.
Prijedlog Skupštini:
Ajmo kupiti neku od njih, kad već oni nemogu kupit nas. [lol] [lol]
Mi smo im preskupi, 142 $. [lol] [lol]

(P)ostao san dugoročni dokupljivač

day traderi?

oni uglavnom sute i trguju.
I možda ne čitaju forum??? [thumbsup]

(P)ostao san dugoročni dokupljivač

Svaki ce mo dan 50 Kn gore !
Svima dobro i fondovima koji skupljaju i Day Traderima koji zaraduju prodalo se oko 100 000 dionica,to je jedna sedmina slobodnih dionica bez top 10!!!
Ugodna plovidba svima!!!


DRYS je kolega tu di je zbog drugih stvari i jako loše uprave ali ja mislim da ste i vi o tome čitali na CNBC.

Jedan od razloga pada DRYS-a je i šortanje što se danas izravnava i vraća Drys gore bez obzira na pad BDI-a.

Britannia Bulk at default risk
By Robert Wright in London

Published: October 29 2008 02:00 | Last updated: October 29 2008 02:00

Britannia Bulk, which specialises in moving coal from the Baltics to the UK, could be the first quoted shipping company to face insolvency during the present slump. The New York-listed company Britannia Bulksaid there was a "very high risk" it would default on its loan agreements.

The announcement sent shares in Britannia, which operates 60 to 70 vessels, down 85.8 per cent to $0.27. The company was hoping for an agreement with its lenders to restructure its debt but if it failed would consider liquidation, seeking protection from lenders or other protection under bankruptcy laws.

In a statement, the company said: "In either case . . . it is unlikely that the company’s shareholders would realize much, if any, value."

The company only listed its shares in June, at $15 a share, valuing its equity at $404m.

Britannia is one of many operators of ships for carrying products such as coal, wheat and iron ore which is facing difficulties because of a fall in short-term cargoes and charter rates. The Baltic Dry Index, which measures short-term charter rates, has fallen 91.7 per cent from its peak on May 20.

Industrial Carriers of Ukraine, a large private company, has already been forced into insolvency by the crisis.

Some owners are also struggling to pay for vessels they had chartered at high rates hoping to charter them on for still more.

Britannia attributed its problems mainly to its activities in the forward freight agreements market, which acts as a hedge against future shipping costs and hedges for the costs of its fuel, known as bunker fuel.

The company had normally bought FFAs only as a hedge for specific work in which its ships were engaged. Since July, however, it appeared that because some FFAs had not been bought to hedge specific positions, the company had been more exposed to falling freight rates and difficult market conditions than it would normally have experienced, it said.

Its hedges for the cost of bunker fuel, meanwhile, were for a far higher price level than the one prevailing since the oil price fell.

An additional problem is that the covenants for a $170m loan the company took out in July set a minimum value for the ships against which it was secured. The vessels involved are now expected to be revalued, which means that the company would have to put up additional collateral.

ako plovimo za dolare onda bi godišnji izvještaj trebao biti maestralan. pa prvih 6 mjeseci je bilo odlično. a ako se nastavi politika dijeljenja dividende kao dosadašnjih godina onda bi tu bilo i za meso a ne samo za salatu…. [thumbsup]


Eto,o tome ja govorim.Lipo kupit Brittaniu za kunu i nešto sitno, komad.
Jerkoviću,čitaj mi sa usana.
Nase tri miseca,kaže Jerković da ga je straj od neprijateljskog preuzimanja.Ko bi gori,sad je doli.
Ajme,kako bi to bilo lipo, da nika rvatska kompanija preuzme inglesku.Ča bi to lipo bilo, a i zazvonilo bi po cilen svitu.
[lol] [lol]

(P)ostao san dugoročni dokupljivač

Sorry Tech ali ti mijenjas misljenja ka Vllaska mlada. Te jedan dan ide sve u propast, te drugi dan bit ce bolje..itd.

A znamo kako zovemo takve ljude.


Ako me nema ,znaci da nisam tu.

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