Oznaka | Vrijednost | Promet | Količina | Kupovna | Prodajna | Promjena |
ATPL | 47,31 | 4.590 | 97 | 47,10 | 48,20 | -0,42% |
dali netko vidi vise od prvioh 10 kupnji,ako da,nek posta,hvala
sad se treba postaviti na kupnju za sutrašnje otvaranje
što reči nego , uvijek može niže 🙂
ima li netko kakvu projekciju crobexa na 1800 ????
ja sam sve ovo vec vidio tamo 2005
al puno ekipe tad jos nije znalo sto su dionice
bojim se da se vracamo par koraka unazad
nisam se ovom nadao al sta se moze
Cuj, usporedit nekog sa Macekom je vec osobna uvreda.
Neman ATPL pa me BDI i rudacha bas toliko i ne zanimaju, ali iman TNPL pa zato znam da i BDTI i ws vozarina za suezmaxe i aframaxe rastu konstantno vec 8 zadnjih dana.
A i naravno lipi zelene americki dolar kojeg zaradjuju bas svi brodari raste vec 10ak dana, u odnosu na kunu.
Dakle, ima sasvim dovoljno parametra da na jednoj ZSE brodari bas ne budu tako kaznjavani, zar ne?
Ali nije tema mog posta bilo kako trenutno stoje brodari, nego razlog ove medijske kampanje kontra njih koja je zaista provedena u klasicnoj Macek + EPH maniri.
Od citave HR ekonomije, ova kriza je zapravo najveca opasnost za turizam i za gradjenvinarstvo, puno veca nego za bilo kojeg brodara.
Ipak, mediji prenose Minstra koji prica nebuloze kako HR turizam ne more osjetiti ovu krizu i redovito donose clanke o izgradnji novih autocesta, mostva, dvorana i airporta.
Ono, za nikog nema kriza sve je ludilo i divno, banke su haj fajv, jedino ko je u baluno su brodari i brodogradilista.
Je, da nisan proziivija prvih 40 godina pod komuniznom, jos bi mozda i povirova da se u Hrvatskoj clanci u medijima pisu bez naloga iz komiteta . Ili iz sredisnjice, whatever.
Imas stotku zbog iskrenosti. TNPL ima svoj topic.
Društvo samo da prjavim kupnju u 15.57.Samo da se zna da ima još optimista!
Lijepi pozdrav!
I ja jučer kupio po 1100…..nikad više u atpl..
Baltic Dry Index continues fall, but signs of recovery are showing up
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Although not at the freefall pace of last week, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) has continued its dropping sessions both yesterday and Monday. It is now at levels as low as six years ago, standing at 1,292 points, since yesterday marked another plunge by 63 points or 4.65 percent. It is the lowest level since October 2002 and the index is fast approaching the levels of the Asian “Tigers” financial crisis, back in the years 1997-98. Among the reasons for this fall, at least according to analysts has been the deteriorating health of the Chinese steel market, where output fell 9% year-on-year in September and was down 7% from August. In addition, slowing Chinese demand for Brazil iron ore has contributed to the weakness in the Baltic index.
It’s obvious to many that global trade has come to a halt with effects noticed in other markets as well, particularly in container trade. Traders and importers have all become increasingly wary of the global financial crisis, putting a deadlock on almost all shipments. Also, the few active traders are facing problems receiving the necessary letters of credit. Letters of credit assure a shipper of payment for a cargo after it is loaded on a ship, but before the buyer receives it. Banks all over the world are cautious and limiting their activities, placing different priorities. The squeeze on trade credit is also restricting commodities shipments. Around 90% of the world’s $14 trillion trade is handled via trade credit.
Of course, this situation can’t be continued for long, with psychology playing a major role in the recovery. Once a more positive sentiment is cemented, cargoes are expected to flow again, especially with the holiday’s season coming soon. Already, some market sources have indicated that things are bound to get better on the banking sector area, with recent activity indicating that interbanking rates are falling. This will allow more banks to achieve better financing, besides the huge amounts that are granted by Central Banks worldwide. This in turn will help trade, as well as financing for shipbuilding orders. Recovery is expected for other reasons as well, with rates cut playing a major role. When trade will begin again, many will be benefiting from these lower rates, thus speeding the process of the global economy’s healing.
Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News
sami ste taj bdi uzeli za sveti gral
pa sad ga imajte
24.05.2005 KUPNJA 09139/05-K , 11 kom. ATPL-R-A 6.541,92
ovako sam kupovao 2005.
a ovako 2004.
21.12.2004 KUPNJA 04860/04-K , 10 kom. ATPL-R-A 5.740,00
šta ste se ustrtarili ,pa nemre tržište stalno rasti,mora biti i ovakvih padova
sami ste taj bdi uzeli za sveti gral
pa sad ga imajte
24.05.2005 KUPNJA 09139/05-K , 11 kom. ATPL-R-A 6.541,92
ovako sam kupovao 2005.
a ovako 2004.
21.12.2004 KUPNJA 04860/04-K , 10 kom. ATPL-R-A 5.740,00
eto borise još koji dan i na nuli si