ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Izgleda da Yahoo nije u realnom vremenu.

Nije. 15-ak minuta je delay. Ali zato od nedavno postoji "Real-time ECN", pa imas "live".

Ovaj komentar predstavlja mišljenje autora i nije nagovor na K/P, autor nema dionice u močvari.

ubrizgao je fed ogromnu količinu novca direktno na tržište…to je definitivno dobar znak,jer ne želim ni čuti o atpl ispod 2000,00 kn…

Izgleda da Yahoo nije u realnom vremenu. Na zatvarabju je DRYS bio u crvenom a sada i on pozelenio. Doslo je i do lagane korekcije Nasdaq-a i Dow-a

U realnom su (minut ili dva zakašnjenja). Međutim, Amerima po zatvaranju treba nešto vremena da konačno točno izračunaju index, pa ono po zatvaranju predstavlja preliminarne izračune koji se kasnije malo korigiraju .

Ovo stvarno već dugo nije viđeno, možda pogura napokon i Crobex bar na +2-3%

NASDAQ BANK 2,657.30 5:11pm ET Up 286.74 (12.10%)
NASDAQ BIOTECHNOLOGY (DRM) 849.21 5:11pm ET Up 24.00 (2.91%)
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2,199.10 5:11pm ET Up 100.25 (4.78%)
NASDAQ COMPUTER 949.57 5:11pm ET Up 40.14 (4.41%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ FINANCIAL 100 2,756.19 5:11pm ET Up 281.85 (11.39%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ INDUSTRIAL 1,801.86 5:11pm ET Up 78.73 (4.57%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ INSURANCE 3,945.48 5:11pm ET Up 289.03 (7.90%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ NNM COMPOSITE 981.11 Jun 30 0.00 (0.00%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ OTHER FINANCE 4,386.87 5:11pm ET Up 370.67 (9.23%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ TELECOMMUNICATIONS 219.42 5:11pm ET Up 9.75 (4.65%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ TRANSPORTATION 2,424.59 5:11pm ET Up 105.86 (4.57%) Components, Chart, More
NASDAQ-100 (DRM) 1,697.42 5:11pm ET Up 64.97 (3.98%) Components, Chart, More

Hogar vozi Volvo

Koji je ono q.rac bio zadnjih pol sata? [shocked] [shocked] A i brodari im okrenuli. Svašta…

Stocks swayed on both sides of unchanged throughout the session. But they spiked in the final hour on a news report that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is looking to create a more long-term solution to the current credit crisis, perhaps creating an independent agency to take bad loans off bank balance sheets.

Koji je ono q.rac bio zadnjih pol sata? [shocked] [shocked] A i brodari im okrenuli. Svašta…

Nego… ima nešto zanimljivo. Zadnjih 5 trgovinskih dana promet dionicama na ZSE bio je u prosjeku cca 100 mil kuna dnevno. To je nekih 3 do 4 puta veći dnevni promet (novčano) od prijašnjih dana niske likvidnosti i letargije. No kvaka je u tome što se po ovim brutalno niskim cijenama dionica za tih pola milijarde zapravo protrgovalo sa količinski brutalno velikim količinama dionica. Dakle imamo jako velik broj dionica koje su promijenile vlasnika. Još par dana ovako i to bi moglo biti to…. Nadam se samo da u tih par dana nećemo zaronit u 3PM.

Dobar. Places vec nekoliko dana i zoves pegulu. Sta ti isplaces sutra se dogodi. Vise piski da manje ide u suze.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

To su procitali u knjizi Toma Clancyja kad je vratio burzu natrag nakon napada.

Pročita tu, dobra knjiga. Ali čitali je i Arapi …
Je i dala im super ideju.

Quote Sakai "najvise pali svi osim ATPL"

Neznam tko je od vas imao priliku vidjeti kako su ameri i azijci danas zatvorili ali ovakve raste od 9% ja
neznam da li sam ikad vidio…
da li će se to zelenilo i na nas prebaciti….ja se nadam …

na 4300 sve prodajem...

Činise da je i crvenom BDI-u stigao kraj:

Market Scan
Shipping Rates End Dry Spell
Ruthie Ackerman, 09.17.08, 7:20 PM ET

After diving for 20 straight sessions, the Baltic Dry Index could have been seen as more of a submarine index than a shipping barometer, but after two days of gains there is at least hope that gauge has returned to a more even keel.

“Two days is not a trend,” said Maxim Group analyst Charles W. Rupinski. “But it sure beats going down.”

On Wednesday, the Baltic Dry Index, which is managed by the Baltic Exchange in London and measures dr- bulk shipping rates on 40 routes across the world, rose 2.0%, or 96 points, to 4,856, up from 4,760 on Tuesday. (See “ Dry Bulk Breaks Swan Dive.”)

Rates on capesize vessels — those so big they must go around the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn rather than through the Suez and Panama canals — rose 2.3% on Wednesday, to $67,554 a day, up from $66,038 on Tuesday, although the rates are down 5.5% from $71,478 last week. Last year at this time, capesize rates were $129,876.

Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Natasha Boyden is bullish on the long-term fundamentals of the dry bulk shippers. She sees a variety of reasons for the turnaround in the Baltic Dry Index: iron ore stockpiles are accumulating at the loading ports in Western Australia; Rio Tinto (nyse: RTP – news – people ) and BHP Billiton (nyse: BBL – news – people ) are chartering ships again after an eight-day hiatus; there has been speculation that shipowners have put up some resistance to the low shipping rates; Vale (nyse: RIO – news – people ) squashed rumors that it was trying to renegotiate its iron ore contract with China; Chinese steel production is expected to resume in the wake of the Olympic Games in Beijing; and coal shipments should pick up as winter approaches.

Rupinski, on the other hand, was more cautious. He pointed to uncertainty around next year’s iron-ore negotiations, which could keep China from drawing down its inventories. Currently China has 75.0 million to 80.0 million tons of ore at its ports, Boyden said, above the norm of about 50.0 million.

But Rupinski thinks the end of the downside is near, with a possibly strong fourth quarter approaching. Part of the reason is modest growth in the dry-bulk fleet of just 4.3% this year. That restrained expansion is good news for the shipping companies because it limits supply.

Rupinski upgraded Excel Maritime (nyse: EXM – news – people ), Genco Shipping (nyse: GNK – news – people ), and Eagle Bulk Shipping (nasdaq: EGLE – news – people ) at the end of August after downgrading them at the end of May as the summer slow season approached and the Olympics drew near.

Hogar vozi Volvo

neki šakljifđija stavio 10 kom na 2950
dam ti ja svoje sam se javi…

Ivo Sanader je otišao jer mu je tako naredio Chuck Norris.

Pazi ovog lika 2.950

2.950,00 10 1.940,00 30
1.915,99 5
1.915,00 10
1.911,00 6
1.910,00 9
1.906,00 20
1.905,02 25
1.900,00 2
1.881,11 8

1.930,00 15
1.937,00 7
1.940,00 170
1.961,00 5
1.964,00 15
1.980,00 10
1.992,00 7
1.996,00 10
1.998,00 4
1.999,00 15


ATPL-R-A 2.950,00 1.930,00

Netko je ipak pretjerao s ponudom [lol]

Svi kupuju ti prodaj - Svi prodaju ti kupuj

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