ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.

Koji su komentari otvaranja? Ostajemo li oko 2400 ili se pomičemo prema gore? ili dolje možda?

Već danima prava mala vojska skrivenih na prodaji. Vidjet ćemo ukoro da li je to i dalje uprava…


Evo napokon i mega naloga podrške na našoj plovidbi.
Kao nekada… [lol]

None but ourselves can free our minds.Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.Bob's words


None but ourselves can free our minds.Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.Bob's words

Kupnja Cijena











Da nije ovo sa 410 kom na kupji Pajdin mlađi brat "Pajdić"

Gdje nam je sad pajdo Geronimo ,da animira naše pametnjakoviće iz OIF-a,MIF-ova i ostalih -ova da pogledaju stanje vani.
Malo digitron u ruke gospodo,a ne lupati po bidu.

None but ourselves can free our minds.Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.Bob's words

Ja se isto postavio na kupnju pa cu malo pricekat a ukoliko ne dodje blizu mene cu opalit krajem dana po asku. Tko je ovaj isfrustrirani forumas koji svima daje jedinice ako ima dragacije razmisljanje??

Svatko danas trguje na burzi ali rijetki ostaju psihicki zdravi!


Nadam se da trezor ne kupuje od Uprave jer je to onda zaista tuga čemer i jad. Ne znam da li je to uopće pravno moguće, ne razumijem se u te stvari. Samo razmišljam na glas…


za zaljubljene u BDI
The International Maritime Exchange, part of the Imarex Group has handled the first ever Options transaction on the Baltic Dry Index (BDI). The BDI Options contract traded on 22st July for Q409 with a strike of 9500 was instantly cleared at NOS Clearing – the pioneer in clearing and settlement of freight derivatives. “BDI Options were launched for trading and clearing on Monday 21st July, and the day after we did the first trade – the first of many to come we believe,” says Ola Strand Andersen, Head of Freight Options at Imarex.
Imarex BDI options are structured as monthly Call and Put options for the term of rolling 48 months forward. The contracts are “Asian” style, which means that all BDI options will be settled against the arithmetic average of the Baltic Dry Index over the number of Index Days in the month with automatic exercise by NOS.
“The market has reacted very positively to both the BDI Futures and the BDI Options from Imarex – I think it shows that we are out in front when it comes to product innovation in this market”, concludes Andersen.
BDI Options are available to members of NOS Clearing on the IMAREX trading screen and via participating prime brokers and General Clearing Members.

Ovo je super vijest. 4 years forward… [wink]

Ne dajte zlovencima more jer ode u 3pm: terminal, plinovod, petrokemija, janaf, polimeri, brodogradnja, poljoprivreda itd itd

Miki mali,ko bi drugi.
On je izašao u panici neki dan.

None but ourselves can free our minds.Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.Bob's words

Evo još jednog na bidu,šta se čeka?

None but ourselves can free our minds.Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.Bob's words


Nadam se da trezor ne kupuje od Uprave jer je to onda zaista tuga čemer i jad. Ne znam da li je to uopće pravno moguće, ne razumijem se u te stvari. Samo razmišljam na glas…
Pa kolega zar se još čudimo na takve egzibicije,pa to je pod normalno kod nas.
Ali nas zanima nešto drugo.
Koliko su oni spremni podizati cijenu ?

None but ourselves can free our minds.Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.Bob's words

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