ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 10.01.2025. u 19:28
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Dobro šta je to sad?
Jel se dijele slatkiši za one koji kupe atpl iza 15h??

Dobro šta je to sad?
Jel se dijele slatkiši za one koji kupe atpl iza 15h??

slatkiše su dobili oni koji su kupili prije 15, i to pravi paket slatkiša…

Poruka brokerima, nećete dobiti moj HT nikada, možda od mojih unuka

I preko bare su brodari u debelom plusu DRYS +5.80% [thumbsup]


Današnja prosječna cijena nam ne ide u korist jer će sutra davati iskrivljenu sliku, tj. + 3% u startu ćim netko kupi po sadašnjem asku od 2933. Moglo bi sutra biti gužve na otvaranju.

JESTE LI ZNALI? (kutak za fond managere)
• World crude steel production increased from
333.9 mt in 4Q 2007 to 340.1 mt in 1Q 2008.
• China’s crude steel production increased from
123.6 mt in 4Q07 to 124.3 mt in 1Q08.
Crude Steel and Pig Iron Production
World crude steel production increased from 333.9 mt in
4Q 2007 to 340.1 mt in 1Q 2008. Total 2007 output increased
8.0% and reached 1316.9 mt. 2007 is the fifth
consecutive year that crude steel production grew by more
than 7%. World pig iron production, including DRI, decreased
from 254.1 mt in 4Q 2007 to 253.0 mt in 1Q
The International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) forecasts
2008 will be another strong year for the steel industry.
Latest projections for 2008 suggest a global growth rate
in apparent steel use this year at close to 7%.
Positive developments are forecasted for the Russian
market where growth of 10.2% for 2008 is led mainly by
the energy and construction sectors. Apparent steel use
in Brazil is expected to increase 10.3% in 2008, with strong
fixed capital formation partly driven by public investment
China apparent steel use is expected to grow by 11.5%
in 2008, accounting for 35% of the world total. For
India, forecasts for apparent steel use point to an
increase of 8.9% in 2008.

Ne dajte zlovencima more jer ode u 3pm: terminal, plinovod, petrokemija, janaf, polimeri, brodogradnja, poljoprivreda itd itd

Jeste li znali ?

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Pošto autocesta još nije gotova , sad imamo i čime do Dubrovnika na Skupštinu , pod uvjetom da smo prije toga rezervirali Hotel Lapad…..

Jozo, nemoj žmirit na jedno oko i gledati samo na ono što je dobro.

Jeste li znali…

…CIMB downgrades dry bulk shipping sector to Underweight from Overweight on concerns lead shipping market indicator Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is close to peak. Says, "while we remain bullish on the fundamentals of the dry bulk sector for 2008, the astonishing speed at which freight rates have risen heightens the likelihood of a correction over the next three months." Notes recent strength in BDI has been driven by southern hemisphere grain season and iron ore stockpiling by Chinese traders. But both drivers now likely to ease off as grain season comes to its natural end in 1-2 months time and China clamps down on iron ore stockpiling. Tips drybulk freight rates to bottom between July and August, says this will provide investors with reentry point as expects freight rates to then rally sharply from September after conclusion of Beijing Olympics…

jel sam rekao da ćemo završiti na 2900 čak sam i fulao za 33 kune

Amid Dry Bulk Rebound, Hedge Fund Takes Stakes in Shipping Stocks
Wednesday May 28, 9:56 am ET
By the Staff

After a stellar 2007 and a pullback at the beginning of 2008 on concerns of a slowing global economy, dry bulk shipping stocks have rebounded over the last couple of months driven by still robust demand for raw materials from emerging economies like China.

DryShips (Nasdaq: DRYS – News), one of the leaders in the sector, reported earnings last week with profit more than doubling year over year. A major catalyst in the sector of late has been ongoing negotiations between China and Australia over the cost of iron ore — a raw material for the steel essential to China’s building boom. The result has been that China’s iron ore needs have been filled by more distant ore-producing countries like Brazil. The added distance means more revenue for dry bulk shippers.

With these supply and demand dynamics as a backdrop, a handful of Pro investors continue to make moves in dry bulk shipping stocks. Among them is a relative newcomer to the hedge fund world, but one that has an impressive pedigree. GeoSphere Capital Management was started by Arvind Sanger, a former analyst at legendary hedge fund SAC Capital. The fund was launched in July of last year with $600 million and a strategy targeting industries related to commodities. This month, GeoSphere disclosed its holdings for the first time as required by the SEC.

These holdings show GeoSphere’s commodity strategy, and the graph of their performance indicates that this strategy is playing out quite well. Among various mining and energy names are a pair of shipping stocks among the hedge fund’s top-15, U.S.-listed equity holdings at the end of Q1: DryShips and Genco Shipping (NYSE: GNK – News). GeoSphere’s top U.S.-listed, equity holding is DryShips, followed by Walter Industries (NYSE: WLT – News), an industrial conglomerate operating in several segments including coal mining, home building, and financing.

DryShips proved to be the most popular dry bulk shipper among Pro investors in Q1. Among the ten investment firms with Dryships among their top-15 holdings, GeoSphere’s 400K-share position was the largest. Meanwhile, Diana Shipping (NYSE: DSX – News) is the favorite drybulk shipping stock among tickerspy members, though TBS International (Nasdaq: TBSI – News), Navios Maritime Holdings (NYSE: NM – News), Paragon Shipping (Nasdaq: PRGN – News), Excel Maritime Carriers (NYSE: EXM – News), and Eagle Bulk Shipping (Nasdaq: EGLE – News) are popular as well.

Pro portfolio performance is based on institutions’ top 15 holdings as disclosed in quarter-end filings with the SEC. Pro performance does not take into account additional holdings beyond the top 15 nor does it include positions that are not required to be disclosed by the SEC. As such, Pro portfolio performance should be considered an approximation and not a precise record of how an institution has performed over time.

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Evo zašto onako američki brodari rastu. Vjerojatno je atlanska zato jako potegnula danas

nekak ne znam šta činit sa ATPL po ljeti. Ide olimpijada, fjaka i stagnacija, a istovremeno idu 2 nova brodića sa 2 nova ugovorića.
Probo bi uzet par sto kuna po dionici na razlici, al nemam dovoljno KOHONES-a za prodaju.
Prirasle mi na srce. Jako.
I za Vlad-a ako čita. Ti si bog. Bio si mi donosioc crnih vijesti i ne baš PREDRAG, ali sad vidima da si objektivan do bola i ispravan.
Poštujem to.

PEYO vizionar slijepac, kolekcionar minusa

evo objasnjenja danasnjeg rasta:
poslovni ubacio FI za 1Q 2008 (P/E=5,46 [thumbsup])

JESTE LI ZNALI? (kutak za fond managere)
…da su brodogradilista na dalekom istoku u problemima – jeste. Izgleda da je poceli bankroti:
Dhumi Heavy Industries goes bust
A new South Korean shipyard has collapsed before it could start on orders it had secured last year.
He claims Lee has not been seen for some time. Lee is said to have no …

Dragi kolega ovo može biti dobro za naše brodare.
Bit će manje novogradnji…, a mi upravo iščekujemo prinove, a i brodarine će duže vremena ostati na zavidnijem nivou…


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