ATPL (Atlantska plovidba d.d.)

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Zadnja izmjena 20.09.2024. u 17:49
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

Dobio sam informaciju(koja nije provjerena) da ATPL kupuje 7 novih brodova dodatno.

drukas prema gore ili………
moze li netko staviti k/p
dobro su dosle i procjene najupucenijih koliko je ocekivana vrijednost ove dionice krajem godine

Ivo Sanader je otišao jer mu je tako naredio Chuck Norris.

Hvala, Budd na obavijesti. Zbog jednostavnijeg pristupa ju stavljam u prilogu.

Dakle, ovo što sam upravo pročitao je:
a) majstorstvo
b) sreća (zbog ogromnog rasta vozarina u međuvremenu).
c) I jedno i drugo. [smiley2]

Pitanja za znalce:

1. ) Po kojoj cijeni su u ljeto 2005. prodali spomenuta 3 broda i koliko je koštao dnevni najam istih?
2.) Koja je “unaprijed dogovorena cijena” za ta tri broda? (Ovo im dođe nešto poput “futuresa”! [smiley2])
3.) Što mislite hoće li ATPL ići u prodaju tih triju brodova ili će i dalje ploviti koristeći izuzetno povoljne vozarine, no ovog puta bez plaćanja dnevnog najma?
4.) Koliko bi ATPL okvirno mogla zaraditi eventualnom prodajom, a koliko korištenjem u pomorskom prometu?
5.) Kada ističe ugovor za treći brod koji se spominje u obavijesti od strane ATPL?

Lijepa vijest i što god i kako god bilo, nakon silnih previranja i velikih prometa zadnjih 10-ak dana, čini mi se da će u onim fluktuacijama dobro proći svi oni koji su kupovali, a ne prodavali. [smiley2] Što se tiče prodaje većeg broja dionica od strane Slavnoskog ZIF-a, tu se izgleda radilo o prodaji zbog zakonom propisanih limita kojih se fondovi moraju pridržavati.

Evo traženih ponuda na ZSE:

Novi all-time-high indexa vozarina BDI [smiley2]

teška artiljerija se izvukla na 3000

Biti će zanimljivo ovih dana čekati izjavu precjednika uprave o revidiranju poslovanja[smiley2]


3009 kn = all-time-high !!!

Današnje zatvaranje na ZSE:

Pogledajte na prikazu današnjeg trgovanja kako se – nakon objave vijesti i novog rekorda na BDI-u – naočigled povećao i obim trgovanja. [smiley2] Ako se ne dogodi nešto nepredviđeno – mogao bi to biti dobar znak za naredne dane.

Svaka cast na analizama! Jedino sto se nepredvidjeno moze dogoditi jest da neki cudaci lupe po prodaji. No i to ce biti samo trenutni poremecaj.

Ne vjerujem da ce se fondovi prodavati zlatnu koku u ovim vremenima i tako rusiti cijenu, znaju oni da gladnih lesinara za dokup uvijek ima. [smiley2].

Tim vise sto nas novo FI tek ocekuje….[smiley2]

ume da broji sarafe, ali krivo:procenat i tacno; povjest;samnom, neznam, 100 ATPL=1000E, uvjek, vjest..plata?!, dejstvuje

Smiling Dry-Bulk Shippers See The Boom Times Lasting For Years
Friday September 28, 7:00 pm ET
Marilyn Alva

If anyone knows about the perfect storm, it’s dry-bulk shipping companies that ply the Seven Seas.
They haul iron ore, coal, grains and other bulk commodities.

Thanks to a convergence of factors — including the growing needs of China and other developing nations — they’re also raking in more cash than ever. Charter rates are at record highs.

“We’ve already surpassed profits from last year,” said Eleftherios Papatrifon, chief financial officer of Excel Maritime Carriers (NYSE:EXM – News).

Along with other dry-bulk shipping executives at an industry conference put on by Jefferies & Co. in New York on Wednesday, he predicted 2008 would be another banner year.

Others said the dry-bulk boom could last even longer.

Upbeat Comments

The upbeat comments came from some of the bigger dry-bulk companies, such as DryShips (NasdaqGS:DRYS – News) and Eagle Bulk Shipping (NasdaqGS:EGLE – News), and smaller outfits, including startup OceanFreight (NasdaqGM:OCNF – News).

They had their reasons, and not all of them pointed solely to China.

“We think the market is undervaluing India,” said Sophocles Zoullas, Eagle’s chief executive.

Citing a massive urban infrastructure project just getting underway in 62 second-tier cities in India, he said the need for steel and concrete will explode over the next several years.

Iron ore is needed to make steel, and prices are already at record highs. Shipping titans say industry buzz has iron ore rates going up 20% to 25% next year.

Demand for iron ore certainly isn’t slowing elsewhere, either.

China continues to suck in much of the available supply from key source countries such as Brazil and Australia, leaving many other customers scrambling for what’s left.

The supply crunch often means customers must tap into more distant sources, meaning longer ocean voyages — and more revenue — for shipping firms.

China also became a net importer of coal for the first time this year. In itself, that’s good news for dry-bulk business. Also, like iron ore, coal customers besides guzzler China are pressed to bring in supplies from longer distances than usual.

“Charter rates are setting all-time highs on a daily basis,” said Douglas Mavrinac, managing director and lead maritime analyst at Jefferies.

The average spot rate for large capesize ships averaged $150,000 a day last week, while smaller panamax boats fetched an average $75,000 per day on the spot market, according to Jefferies.

Napravi razliku

While its outlook on the crude oil and product tanker market is cautious over the next two years, Jefferies’ view of the dry-bulk shipping market over that time is favorable.

In addition to strong demand for iron ore, significant new supply is coming out of Australia and Brazil to meet it, Mavrinac says.

“So there’s more to ship,” he said. “So much so, it’s outstripping the number of new ships being delivered from shipyards.”

Port congestion is adding to the vessel supply crunch. The long waits to unload in ports has reduced dry-bulk vessel capacity by more than 11%, said Diana Shipping (NYSE:DSX – News) President Anastassis Margaronis.

In India alone, he said, port capacity must increase by 130%. That’s not likely to happen anytime soon.

Said OceanFreight CEO Robert Cowen: “The whole logistics chain is being pulled tight.”

To keep up with demand, dry-bulk operators are stepping up ship orders.

In July, Eagle Bulk announced it would spend $1.1 billion to buy 26 new supramax vessels — the smallest type of dry-bulk ship, for delivery starting next year through 2012. The firm acquired 39 other ships in the last two years for $1.5 billion.

TBS International (NasdaqGM:TBSI – News) expects delivery of four new ships later this year through the end of 2008. It has contracted for six new ships to be built in China for its core Asian and South American markets, at about $35.4 million each, with delivery expected in 2009 and 2010.

“These ships are sorely needed, especially as globalization goes forward,” TBS’ CEO Joseph Royce said.

Golden Ocean Group, listed on Norway’s stock exchange, has ordered 23 vessels for delivery between 2008 and 2010.


Since overcapacity is an ongoing concern in the dry-bulk business, the higher number of deliveries slated for 2009 and 2010 caused some to question the potential for rate drops.

But shippers waved away the concerns.

“Demand is overwhelming and will be from 2010 and beyond. You haven’t seen the full strength of India,” said Quintana Maritime (NasdaqGS:QMAR – News) Chief Executive Stamatis Molaris.

Not all of the boom in business comes from iron ore and coal. TBS transports all kinds of dry cargo, from fertilizer to finished steel. TBS’s Royce said renewals from customers are “at higher (rate) levels than anytime in the past.”

Jeffries’ Mavrinac says rates will keep climbing through 2007, and that 2008 rates should be higher than in 2007.

Since they are more volatile, spot rates are typically higher than fixed rates. For now, firms that have more spot-rate exposure, such as DryShips, can “maximize their returns,” Mavrinac said.

DryShips’ Chief Executive George Economou said 98% of the firm’s fleet next year will be left unfixed “to take advantage of the strong environment.”

Genco Shipping (NYSE:GNK – News) is in the middle. It uses a balanced approach of both spot and fixed contracts.

Quintana’s Molaris said his company has been criticized for its emphasis on fixed-time charters “in this boom market.”

But he said, “We run the company to minimize market risk. We have significant upside potential for the risk we take.”

Eagle Bulk also has a higher degree of fixed charters than spot-rate deals. But since renewals are likely to be priced at higher levels, as Mavrinac says, the company isn’t shifting gears.

“This is the first time I’ve seen in my career charterers coming to us and asking for packages,” Eagle Bulk’s Zoullas said. “Charterers are saying, ‘Give us more years.'”

Napravi razliku

Ma ludilo, brale !!! [smiley2]
Hvala, BigBoss, kolega Ententinis je već bio nešto o tome skraćeno govorio, ali lijepo je pročitati izrazito optimistične izjave predsjednika uprava najvećih i najznačajnijih brodarskih kompanija na svijetu. [smiley2]
Along with other dry-bulk shipping executives at an industry conference put on by Jefferies & Co. in New York on Wednesday, he predicted 2008 would be another banner year. Others said the dry-bulk boom could last even longer !!!
Osim potražnje za prijevozom koju generira Kina, sve više se priključuje i Indija:

(…) and not all of them pointed solely to China. “We think the market is undervaluing India,” said Sophocles Zoullas, Eagle’s chief executive.

Citing a massive urban infrastructure project just getting underway in 62 second-tier cities in India, he said [color=blue]the need for steel and concrete will explode over the next several years[/color].

“Demand is overwhelming and will be from 2010 and beyond. You haven’t seen the full strength of India,” said Quintana Maritime (NasdaqGS:QMAR – News) Chief Executive Stamatis Molaris.
Kad već spominju sve veću potražnju za čelikom (engl. steel), posebice u Indiji, evo i prognoze najvećeg svjetskog proizvođača čelika. Obratite pažnju na to što on kaže za Indiju:

Arcelor Mittal najavio ulaganje u proizvodnju (čelika) od 35 milijardi dolara

Najveći svjetski proizvođač čelika Arcelor Mittal investirat će 35 milijardi dolara u proširenje proizvodnih kapaciteta diljem svijeta, izjavio je jučer indijski magnat i predsjednik Uprave Lakshmi Mittal. Prema njegovim riječima, [color=blue]investicijski plan, ponajviše usredotočen na indijsko tržište[/color], rezultat je snažne potražnje za čelikom u svijetu. ” (…) naglasio je Mittal dodavši da [color=blue]industrija čelika ima odličnu perspektivu u nadolazećim mjesecima[/color].

(…) “Do 2020. godine potrošnja čelika u Indiji dosegnut će 200 milijuna tona godišnje, četiri puta više od sadašnje potražnje“, rekao je Mittal. (…)

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