Agrokor – tvrtke, poslovanje, usporedba

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska Agrokor – tvrtke, poslovanje, usporedba

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Ako HNB kaže da je 16 puta uporozavala Agrokor na “nepravilnosti” , pa čemu onda služi HNB kontrola?
Potrošnja WC papira?

Google translate (malo sam skratio prijevod cijelog teksta):

"Russian state bank Sberbank, which is the largest creditor burdened with debts Agrokor, is considering the possibility of selling its debt in the amount of 1.1 billion euros, said in an interview with Reuters, the first deputy chairman of the Savings Bank Maxim Poletaev. Sberbank is also ready to go to the courts in the absence of a compromise in the negotiations…
"We are considering the possibility of selling debt to Agrokor and talking to customers in international markets, talking about international companies and funds that specialize in dealing with this kind of debts," the banker said…
According to Poletayev, the possibility of converting debt into shares of the company Sberbank has never been considered….
Sberbank granted Agrokor 100 million euros before the adoption of the new law to help it overcome the emerging liquidity crisis, and is now seeking to get the status of the oldest debt for this loan. From this, according to Poletaev, will depend on the possibility of the bank providing additional funds to the company and the progress of further negotiations on its salvation….
… before discussing the allocation of additional financing, we believe it is right first to some part of Sberbank's 100 million euro debt to extend the pre-emption right. "According to the banker, most of the Sberbank loans to the Croatian retailer were granted under British law. If they arise, will be considered in the London Court, and not in the Croatian courts…-
We have two options on the scale: Sberbank can be either a loyal or a disloyal creditor. "We are ready for both roles ", Poletayev said. "If we understand that further negotiations are unpromising, and we are not looking for a compromise with the largest creditor, or if we understand that the sale of the company's assets will go opaque, we will promptly turn to the London court." A compromise will have to be sought with Eurobond holders Agrokor, which offered additional funds to the company, subject to the extension of 50% of the Eurobond debt to the preemptive right.
Accepting their proposal in this form would mean a direct infringement of Sberbank's rights as a creditor, Poletayev said. "The bankruptcy administrator must agree on this with the creditors' council, in any case, we need to look for a compromise." We understand that the Eurobond holders will have to come to an agreement, too. " Now, according to the banker, for Sberbank will be "fundamentally important" the outcome of the competition to choose a consultant for the restructuring of Agrokor: it should not be a Croatian company, but an international one with the relevant experience and reputation that creditors can trust. "If we see that an unsuitable consultant is chosen for us, Sberbank can change the role of a constructive creditor for the role of non-constructive," Poletayev said. "Among those people who are now appointed to the management (Agrokor), there are none with the relevant management experience of such a company, as well as the experience of restructuring and working experience in retail."

Vaš link …[/url]

Prvo kazu da su rezervirali gubitak 50%
sad prodaju. vjerojatno po discount nekom svom oligarhu
koji kupuje po skrobvima
para oprana.

Ivo Sanader je otišao jer mu je tako naredio Chuck Norris.

Among those people who are now appointed to the management (Agrokor), there are none with the relevant management experience of such a company, as well as the experience of restructuring and working experience in retail.”…

ovo je ključno. Hvala lijepa. Laku noć

..stoga sam danas ponosan čovjek jer sve što sam izgradio danas sam svojim potpisom predao hrvatskoj državi...

Objavljen je spisak financijskih institucija i dobavljača koji su izloženi mjenicama. Rekao bi da su poredani po veličini izloženosti. U zeleno su oni koji su potpisali promemoriju o mjenicama.

[i]"Reality is a cloud of possibilities, not a point."[/i]

Objavljen je spisak financijskih institucija i dobavljača koji su izloženi mjenicama. Rekao bi da su poredani po veličini izloženosti. U zeleno su oni koji su potpisali promemoriju o mjenicama.

Još kad bi novinari napravili domaću zadaću pa malo ispitali tko stvarno stoji iza ovih financijskih institucija tipa aggero usluge, prima ulaganja, global otprema i sl. (institucije bez weba??)

Što se tiče izloženosti vjerojatno je kako kažete, samo trebalo bi zbrojiti banke i faktoringe za pravu sliku. Kada gledamo prve četiri, talijani su radili kroz Banku a Austrijanci kroz faktoring…

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed." Nietzsche

1. karlovacka avodi da nema plasmana prema agrokoru

2. medika navodi da ima oko 140 milja

3. viro izgleda nema potražibanja prema agrokoru – nisu na listi, nema ih medu vjrovnicima dobavljačima

4. cros ima oko 170 milja osigurano hipotekom

Samo Jako, samo Aljoša, samo Vlahi ...

1. karlovacka avodi da nema plasmana prema agrokoru

2. medika navodi da ima oko 140 milja

3. viro izgleda nema potražibanja prema agrokoru – nisu na listi, nema ih medu vjrovnicima dobavljačima

4. cros ima oko 170 milja osigurano hipotekom

Ova gore potrazivanja iz excela su samo po osnovi mjenica, ostalo i detalje po mjenicama za svako drustvo ne mozemo znat dok se drustva ne oglase ili prikazu u izvjescima

Ignore : renči

BOŽO PRKA (PBZ) UPOZORAVA: Kriza u Agrokoru neće stati, stradat će srednje i male tvrtke, vlada treba u zakon uvesti institut ‘najstarije tražbine’

Ako HNB kaže da je 16 puta uporozavala Agrokor na "nepravilnosti" , pa čemu onda služi HNB kontrola?
Potrošnja WC papira?

Istu spiku su prodavali u slucaju svicarski frsnak, u stilu pa upozoravali smo da ne dizete kredite u francima!

neznaš ko više trtari …bankari ili dobavljači …bit će tu još svega …

Evo o čemu novine pišu.
Bolje da se pokriju mokrom krpom, ali ne, oni obavještavaju javnost o svojim private stvarima…

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