ADPL (AD Plastik d.d.)

Naslovnica Forum Tržište kapitala Hrvatska ADPL (AD Plastik d.d.)

Forum namijenjen svim temama vezanim za dionice, obveznice i druge vrijednosne papire te trgovanje istima u Hrvatskoj.
Zadnja izmjena 07.01.2025. u 02:55
Podaci su preuzeti sa ZSE uz odgodu od 15 minuta.

evo da si odgovorim..

He he taj koji je napisao ovo neka za svoje pare kupio onda te dionice, što meni nudi da zaradim

He he taj koji je napisao ovo neka za svoje pare kupio onda te dionice, što meni nudi da zaradim

Vrlo inteligentan zaključak, svaka čast, vidi se da si pravi meštar.
Ma to je čista navlakuša i izmišljotina, treba samo kontra toga i uspjeh je zagarantiran.
Sretno !

halfte trinken, halfte Šarcu geben

evo da si odgovorim..

He he taj koji je napisao ovo neka za svoje pare kupio onda te dionice, što meni nudi da zaradim


Oni koji su to napisali vec su kupili dionice ADPL. Specijalisti su za AD.

Natrag u skolu.

I was early taught to work as well as play, My life has been one long, happy holiday; Full of work and full of play- I dropped the worry on the way- And God was good to me everyday.

evo da si odgovorim..

He he taj koji je napisao ovo neka za svoje pare kupio onda te dionice, što meni nudi da zaradim


Oni koji su to napisali vec su kupili dionice ADPL. Specijalisti su za AD.

Natrag u skolu.

znam da su kupili ali neznam po kojoj cijeni,
možda po 120 🙂 meni ovo ne izgleda dobro…
nisam pratio, jeli mozda itko upucen jesu li i koji hedge koristili iz adpl

ne gledate dugoročnije …nafta bu se oporavila …rusija isto …gle grčku prvo propast spašavaju ju pa onda grčko čudo …tak bu i rusija…ne velim da dionica nemre još dole …ali ak je na 87 a vredi 110…po meni je cijena sad za ulaz ok..TA fundamenti su svi dole .možda uletim pomalo iz zabave …

Među kompanijama koje imale pozitivan preokret u poslovanju izdvaja se AD Plastik. Dugo iščekivani projekt Edison napokon je krenu što se moglo vidjeti na rezultatima za 3Q. Primjera radi, u 3Q kompanija je zaposlila 157 novih radnika, jer su se proizvodne količine povećale. No da ne bude sve pozitivno, pobrinula se Rusija. Deprecijacija ruske rublje i pad kupovne moći značajno je pogodio kompaniju u 4Q. Prema tome, teško je prognozirati rezultate za 4Q, ali s obzirom na činjenicu da kompanija generirala 42% sales-a u Rusiji nismo previše optimistični.

Štednja je mudrost trošenja.

I was early taught to work as well as play, My life has been one long, happy holiday; Full of work and full of play- I dropped the worry on the way- And God was good to me everyday.

The key growth driver for AD Plastik in Europe is the Edison project. The project is a cooperation between Renault and Daimler on development of the new Twingo and Smart.
By summing up the three standalone valuations we have estimated the fundamental equity value of AD Plastik Group at HRK 442.8m which corresponds to HRK 110.02 per share, offering upside in relation to the market price as of 2 January 2015 of 15.8%, ultimately earning a BUY recommendation. However, we do remain cautious and uncertain regarding the situation in Russia and therefore prepared to revise our valuation in case of major events, both upwards and downwards towards our bear and bull scenarios.

I was early taught to work as well as play, My life has been one long, happy holiday; Full of work and full of play- I dropped the worry on the way- And God was good to me everyday.

The key growth driver for AD Plastik in Europe is the Edison project. The project is a cooperation between Renault and Daimler on development of the new Twingo and Smart.
By summing up the three standalone valuations we have estimated the fundamental equity value of AD Plastik Group at HRK 442.8m which corresponds to HRK 110.02 per share, offering upside in relation to the market price as of 2 January 2015 of 15.8%, ultimately earning a BUY recommendation. However, we do remain cautious and uncertain regarding the situation in Russia and therefore prepared to revise our valuation in case of major events, both upwards and downwards towards our bear and bull scenarios.

I was early taught to work as well as play, My life has been one long, happy holiday; Full of work and full of play- I dropped the worry on the way- And God was good to me everyday.

O AvtoVazu – najvaznijem kupcu AD Plastika u Rusiji.

However, as Russia’s premier Russian brand with 81% of its components made locally, AvtoVAZ is well positioned to outperform in 2015, say analysts, as it will be much less affected by the devaluation than its competitors. Under the duties reduction deal struck at the start of last year, most of the foreign manufacturers with factories in Russia still import some 40% of their parts from abroad. Moreover, Avtovaz, which is now owned by the Renault-Nissan joint venture, is planning to launch a new model, the Lada Vesta, in the autumn of 2015.

I was early taught to work as well as play, My life has been one long, happy holiday; Full of work and full of play- I dropped the worry on the way- And God was good to me everyday.

Ovo naravno ne smijemo zaboraviti, pogotovo nakon skoka od 8% u petak?

Da li je dno cijene nafte tu? Nitko ne zna, ali ovakvi pomaci mogu znaciti reversal.

Naravno, ovakve izjave glavnog tajnika Opec-a nisu beznacajne.

OPEC chief warns $200 oil possible if cutbacks go too far

I was early taught to work as well as play, My life has been one long, happy holiday; Full of work and full of play- I dropped the worry on the way- And God was good to me everyday.

New Report
