Oprema d.d. u samom je vrhu proizvođača uređaja za hlađenje i točenje pića. Možemo se pohvaliti širokim asortimanom proizvoda od kojih najviše proizvodimo uređaje za hlađenje i točenje piva, sokova, vina, soda vode, mlijeka i nitro kave. Sve uređaje karakteriziraju visoke performanse, kvaliteta i dizajn. Cijeli proizvodni proces provodimo In-House, od ideje, istraživanja i razvoja, preko konstrukcije i dizajna, tehnologije i proizvodnje do marketinga i prodaje proizvoda što utječe na visoku dodanu vrijednost naših proizvoda. Kontinuirano ulažemo u napredak proizvodnog procesa s ciljem poboljšanja kvalitete proizvoda za krajnjeg kupca, uštede resursa u proizvodnom procesu te brige o okolišu.
U lipnju 2023. godine započeli smo s provedbom projekta “Povećanje konkurentnosti nabavom ekološki prihvatljivog stroja”, sufinanciranog iz projekta ˝Increasing competitiveness by procuring greener machinery po Ugovoru EEA and Norway Grants 2014 – 2021˝, kojim se planira nabava nove savijačice cijevi koja je ekološki prihvatljivija zbog manje potrošnje električne energije, smanjene emisije CO₂ te smanjene potrošnje pogonskog ulja.
Cilj projekta je postizanje konkurentnosti tvrtke Oprema d.d. koji će se ostvariti smanjivanjem troškova proizvodnje, povećanjem proizvodnih kapaciteta i nizom ekoloških prednosti, a isto će posljedično dovesti do rasta prometa, povećanje neto dobiti od poslovanja i otvaranja novih radnih mjesta.
S ciljem uspješne provedbe projektnih aktivnosti, Oprema d.d. provodi nabavu CNC stroja za savijanje cijevi s instalacijom, evidencijski broj nabave: 03-2023.
Predmet nabave je CNC stroj za savijanje cijevi koji će služiti za izradu elemenata rashladnog sustava uređaja za hlađenje pića.
Rok za dostavu ponuda je 14.10.2023.
Naručitelju se mora omogućiti da stroj testira prije isporuke radi provjere funkcija stroja prema zahtjevima iz tehničke specifikacije.
Nabava stroja uključuje instalaciju stroja, edukaciju za rad na stroju te pakiranje.
Detaljan opis predmeta nabave određen je Tehničkom specifikacijom CNC stroja za savijanje cijevi, Troškovnikom i Testnom procedurom za prihvaćanje stroja koja čini sastavni dio dokumentacije.
Ponuda ponuditelja mora u cijelosti zadovoljiti sve tražene uvjete iz opisa predmeta nabave i tehničkih specifikacija.
Nabava se provodi u skladu s Procurement Guidelines for Project Promotors and Project Partners (Smjernice za nabavu za Nositelje projekta i projektne partnere) te člankom 4.3 – nabava radova, dobara i usluga, čija je procijenjena vrijednost nabave veća od 60.000,00 EUR.
Dokumentacija o nabavi dostupna je svim interesentima na sljedećoj poveznici:
Navedena dokumentacija ujedno je objavljena na službenoj stranici tvrtke Oprema d.d. te na službenoj stranici Innovation Norway.
Procurement of a CNC tube bending machine with installation
Oprema d.d. is at the very top of the manufacturers of professional cooling and dispensing drinks devices. We can boast of a wide range of products, of which we mostly produce devices for cooling and dispensing beer, juices, wine, soda water, milk and nitro coffee. All devices are characterized by high performance, quality and design. We carry out the entire production process in-house, from the idea, research and development, through construction and design, technology and production to marketing and sales of products, which affects the high added value of our products. We continuously invest in the progress of the production process with the aim of improving product quality for the end customer, saving resources in the production process and taking care of the environment. We continuously invest in the progress of the production process with the aim of improving product quality for the end customer, saving resources in the production process and taking care of the environment.
In June 2023, we started the implementation of the project “Increasing competitiveness by procuring environmentally friendly machinery”, co-financed from the project “Increasing competitiveness by procuring greener machinery under the Agreement EEA and Norway Grants 2014 – 2021”, as part of which we plan to procure a new environmentally friendly tube bending machine due to lower electricity consumption, reduced CO₂ emissions and reduced fuel oil consumption.
The goal of the project is to achieve the competitiveness of Oprema d.d. which will be achieved by reducing production costs, increasing production capacity and a number of environmental advantages, and the same will consequently lead to an increase in turnover, an increase in net profit from business and the creation of new jobs.
With the aim of successful implementation of project activities, Oprema d.d. procures a CNC tube bending machine with installation, procurement record number: 03-2023.
The object of purchase is a CNC tube bending machine that will be used to make elements of the cooling system of the beverage cooling device.
The deadline for the submission of offers is 14.10.2023.
The customer must be allowed to test the machine before delivery to verify the machine’s functions according to the requirements of the technical specification.
The purchase of the machine includes installation of the machine, training for working on the machine and packaging.
A detailed description of the procurement item is determined by the Technical Specification of the CNC tube bending machine, the Cost Sheet and the Test Procedure for acceptance of the machine, which is integral part of procurement documentation.
The bidder’s offer must fully satisfy all the required conditions from the description of the procurement item and technical specifications.
The procurement is carried out in accordance with the Procurement Guidelines for Project Promoters and Project Partners and Article 4.3 – procurement of works, goods and services, the estimated value of which is greater than EUR 60,000.00.
Procurement documentation is available to all interested parties at the following link:
https://www.oprema.com/en/norwaygrants/norway-grants-open-call-for-bids-for-the-procurement-of-a-cnc-pipe-bending-machine-with-installation/ https://eea.innovationnorway.com/article/croatia-business-development-and-innovation
The aforementioned documentation is also published on the official website of Oprema d.d. and on the official website of Innovation Norway.
Važna obavijest:
Sukladno članku 94. Zakona o elektroničkim medijima, komentiranje članaka na web portalu Poslovni.hr dopušteno je samo registriranim korisnicima. Svaki korisnik koji želi komentirati članke obvezan je prethodno se upoznati s Pravilima komentiranja na web portalu Poslovni.hr te sa zabranama propisanim stavkom 2. članka 94. Zakona.Uključite se u raspravu