Boško Tomašević imenovan za generalnog direktora CBRE ureda za Jugoistočnu Europu (CBRE SEE)

Autor: Promo , 08. listopad 2020. u 11:00
Foto: PR

U ulozi Rukovoditelja savjetodavnih poslova i transakcija, pomogao je u širenju poslovanja CBRE SEE.

Kompanija CBRE, vodeći svjetski savjetnik za nekretnine, objavila je danas imenovanje Boška Tomaševića za generalnog direktora ureda CBRE-a u Jugoistočnoj Europi (CBRE SEE), čiji mandat počinje 1. siječnja 2021. godine. Boško Tomašević će naslijediti sadašnjeg generalnog direktora, Andrew Peirsona, koji se povlači sa svoje funkcije i napušta CBRE u prosincu 2020. godine.

Boško se pridružio CBRE-u 2018. godine, kada je CBRE Grupa osnovala novi regionalni ured u Beogradu, koji pruža čitav spektar savjetodavnih usluga za nekretnine, međunarodnim i domaćim klijentima u Jugoistočnoj Europi. U ulozi Rukovoditelja savjetodavnih poslova i transakcija, pomogao je u širenju poslovanja CBRE SEE, u vodeću kompaniju za komercijalne nekretnine s uredima u Beogradu i Sofiji. Ranije je Boško bio na čelu Agencijskog tima JLL-a za Jugoistočnu Europu punih šest godina, a Colliers International 7 godina prije toga.

Andrew Peirson, Generalni direktor CBRE SEE:

“Imao sam sreću raditi s Boškom dugi niz godina, i naš uspjeh u regiji bio je pravi timski napor. Kao bliski prijatelj i kolega, osobno sam se razveselio što je baš Boško izabran za ovu ulogu i ne sumnjam da će nastaviti razvijati poslovanje i povećavati produktivnost svakog sektora. Izuzetno će mi nedostajati rad s timom, a također sam vrlo zahvalan svim klijentima tijekom godina koji su doprinijeli našem uspjehu.”

“Oduševljen sam što imam priliku voditi poslovanje našeg ureda, i nadovezujem se na veliki uspjeh i napredak koji smo postigli u proteklih nekoliko godina pod Andrewovim vodstvom. Imamo fantastičan tim u Beogradu i Sofiji, i nastavit ćemo postizati odlične rezultate za naše klijente i iskoristit ćemo brojne mogućnosti za rast širom regije.” – izjavljuje Boško Tomašević.

Andreas Ridder
, Generalni direktor CBRE ureda za Centralno-istočnu Europu, dodaje: “Opsežno Boškovo iskustvo i znanje o tržištu Jugoistočne Europe, zajedno s odličnim liderskim vještinama, čine ga idealnim nasljednikom i uvjeren sam da će nastaviti našu ekspanziju u regiji. Želio bih se zahvaliti Andrewu na njegovom značajnom doprinosu u vođenju našeg poslovanja tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina i želim mu sve najbolje za njegovu budućnost.”

Boško Tomašević appointed Managing Director of CBRE South Eastern Europe (SEE)

CBRE, leading global property adviser announced today the appointment of Boško Tomašević as Managing Director of CBRE in South Eastern Europe (SEE) effective January 1st 2021. Boško Tomašević succeeds current Managing Director, Andrew Peirson who, is stepping down from his position and will leave CBRE in December 2020.

Boško joined CBRE in 2018 when the firm established a new regional office in Belgrade to provide a full range of real estate Advisory services to international and domestic clients in South Eastern Europe (SEE). In his role as Head of Advisory & Transactions, he helped with the expansion of the CBRE SEE business into a market-leading full scope commercial property firm with offices in both Belgrade and Sofia. Previously Bosko headed Agency teams of JLL for SEE region for six years and Colliers International prior to that for 7 years.

Andrew Peirson Managing Director, CBRE SEE said: I have been fortunate to have worked with Bosko for many years and and our success across the region has been a real team effort. As a close friend and colleague, I am personally delighted that Bosko has been chosen for this role, and I have no doubt he will continue to drive the business forward. I’ll thoroughly miss working with the team, and I’m also extremely thankful to all the clients over the years that have helped with our success.”

Bosko Tomasevic, commented: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to lead our business and build on the great success and progress we have achieved over the past few years under Andrew’s leadership. We have a fantastic team in Belgrade and Sofia and we will continue to achieve excellent outcomes for our clients and seize the many opportunities for growth across the SEE region.”

Andreas Ridder, Managing Director, CEE commented; “Bosko’s in-depth experience and knowledge of our SEE markets plus his excellent leadership skills, make him the ideal successor for this role and I am confident he will continue to drive our expansion in the region. I would like to thank Andrew for his significant contribution in leading our business over the past few years wish him all the best for his future.”

About CBRE

CBRE Group, Inc. is the world’s largest commercial real estate services and investment firm, headquartered in Los Angeles, with 2019 revenues of $23.9 billion and more than 100,000 employees (excluding affiliate offices). CBRE has been included on the Fortune 500 since 2008, ranking #128 in 2020. It also has been voted the industry’s top brand by the Lipsey Company for 19 consecutive years, and has been named one of Fortune’s “Most Admired Companies” for eight years in a row, including being ranked number one in the real estate sector in 2020, for the second consecutive year. CBRE offers a range of integrated services, including facilities, transaction and project management; property management; investment management; appraisal and valuation; property leasing; strategic consulting; property sales; mortgage services and development services. Read more at

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